✨ Just released MuteDeck v2.1!
🔹 New action: "Bring to Front" (pending plugins releases)
🔸 Single custom action button for multiple apps: i.e. 1 raise hand button for Zoom, Google Meet, etc.
🔹 Shortcuts to any app. 💥
Especially excited about the last one, as it means you can control calls with your #StreamDeck or #Loupedeck, or #TouchPortal even if MuteDeck doesn't support it yet. 🤯
Blog coming tomorrow, but here are the release notes: https://roadmap.mutedeck.com/changelog/v21
#touchportal #loupedeck #streamdeck
Mmh...paying 180€ for #Razer #StreamDeck version instead of 150€ for #Elgato version.
Or, maybe, just maybe, I'm sticking to #TouchPortal for a few bucks. Yup.
/#Streamer Rant
#razer #streamdeck #elgato #touchportal #twitch #gaming #platform
New #MuteDeck update!
⚡️ v1.4.3 brings major improvements for speed and reliability, by checking only the apps you use.
🔸 Support for @Webex direct calls
🔹 Support for an upcoming #TouchPortal plugin
Well got to play some #ShouldersOfGiants this morning. Looks like a lot of issues still to be fleshed out. 1. Achievements aren’t showing but are popping. This makes the game look like it has no achievements in game or on #TrueAchievements 2. Xbox API isn’t reporting that the game is being played. This stops my #TouchPortal code from updating #Twitch game being played from automatically updating. Still had fun with it. Plan on streaming it this weekend to spread the word.
#shouldersofgiants #trueachievements #touchportal #twitch
@Player1MGA no problem. #TouchPortal has a good discord too for asking questions and seeing examples.
Gibt es bei #touchportal eine Möglichkeit die Verschachtelten Szenen als ganzes zu muten, wenn man z.B. in die BRB Szene wechselt? So muss ich ja immer jede einzelne Audioquelle manuell einfügen und später wieder entfernen, wenn sie irgendwann mal wegfallen sollte.