Posting this from #toot on my #panasonic #toughbook! It's a pretty good experience so far :)
@mjgardner @JessiCum @stdevel @ubuntu @bradlinder
Personally I wished #Panasonic would make a new #CF19 #ToughBook but I'd definitely consider their devices since they do actually have a good track record in terms of longterm support!
Needless to say the #AntiRepair #design and #Enshittification is an increasing problem and I think it's less and less justifyable these days!
#enshittification #Design #antirepair #toughbook #cf19 #panasonic
Not to mention it's an absolute #AssholeMove by all #Laptop manufacturers to not have a #ToolfreeSwappableBattery on their device!
Because there is no valid reason for that shit, when #Panasonic #Toughbook CF-19 were #waterproof with toolfree swappable battery and devices like the #Sony #Vaio #P11Z were thin & light yet had toolfree-swappable batteries...
#P11Z #vaio #sony #waterproof #toughbook #panasonic #toolfreeswappablebattery #Laptop #assholemove
Here's a collection of Panasonic Toughbook appearances. "Security", "Adieu les cons" and an episode of "The Wire" all feature the machine, as does "The Last Enemy" which also has a couple of machines making their Starring-the-Computer debut: the Nokia N800 and the Toshiba Portégé M400.
#toshiba #nokia #toughbook #computersinmovies
Installing Zorin OS Lite on my very old #Toughbook CF-19 right now.
I have pretty much no experience with #Linux but it seemed like a good idea.
@elilla thanks for reminding me that I want to get my hands on a #Toughbook #CF19Mk7...
OK, people of #amateurradio and #qrp fans. I am in need of a field computer. I happen to have an #toughbook cf-u1 but 32bit architecture is dying. Nothing is up to date. What would you suggest for me to do next?
#Debian 11 loads flawlessly on old Panasonic #Toughbook CF-29 laptops. Looks like they are all getting an upgrade! (they were stranded on Linux Mint, and all my prior attempts to load various distributions a few years ago failed). (Note, this machine was introduced in 2003... 20 years ago! So a CURRENT modern OS on a 20 year old machine!).
I've been using #Panasonic #Toughbook laptop computers (models CF-29, CF-30, CF-31) and #Posix operating systems (#Unix and #Linux) long enough that everything else looks like junk.
#MacOS X is OK because it's Unix, but its GUI over-relies on the mouse and generally wastes the keyboard.
#Windows 7 is borderline unusable; later versions of Windows are definitely unusable.
#panasonic #toughbook #posix #unix #linux #macos #windows
Woot, new toy time! Panasonic #ToughBook #CFU1 MK2 #RetroComputing
#toughbook #cfu1 #retrocomputing
Glaubt ihr es macht einen spürbaren Unterschied ob #Win10 statt 3 GB RAM 4 GB RAM zur Verfügung hat?
Laut Hersteller werden maximal 4 GB unterstützt. Wäre es einen Versuch wert, mehr zu installieren?
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo U7500 1.06GHz
Hintergrund: Ich habe als Backup für meine Songtexte/Chordsheets ein altes #Toughbook CF-19 Mk2. Das hat mir schon bei -8°C gute Dienste geleistet als das Tablet gestreikt hat. Die #Songbook App läuft nur auf Win10 und Android. Gibt es leider nicht für Linux.
On the other hand, Panasonic did fit slightly later #Toughbook models with an external WiFi switch.
This machine has the same sort of undescribed pin, stored at the top left of the screen as one #CF-29 Mk5 spec sheet shows. No explanation but it might help removing a CD. Better than trying to find a paperclip.
The big puzzle for this #Toughbook #CF-29 is an extra power button, with three green indicator LEDs, set on the left side of the carrying handle, and labelled "Wireless". My wild guess is that it could be very obsolete mobile phone tech.
I have not needed it on for WiFi.
I am using a very old Panasonic #Toughbook #CF-29 while recovering from my surgery. Old and slow, but still working. Problem: it has a couple of undocumented parts (I have a manual matched to the model number).
Two chonky bois having a chat
Does anyone have suspend problems with 32bit GNU/Linux? I recently got a #Panasonic #Toughbook CF-U1 and it suspends fine but when woken up light come up like it is going to wake but falls back to sleep again and when I hit power button again all lights come up and a inert black screen greets me. It is unresponsive at this stage so I cant fall back to tty1 and fore shut it down. I used bunch of kernel parameters and only acpi=off made a change. With that suspend failed and pc got really slow.
Modular Panasonic Toughbook has 8 replaceable parts, 1,200-nit screen: #laptop #hardware #panasonic #toughbook #release #update
#panasonic #toughbook #update #laptop #hardware #release
Hot off the press. My new #offgrid comms station for #2022. #thetechprepper #toughbook
#toughbook #thetechprepper #offgrid