(23 Aug) - Rudy ‘Tough on Crime’ Giuliani Arrested in Georgia https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rudy-giuliani-arrested-georgia-1234810896/ #RollingStone #RudyGiulianiArrested #Georgia #ToughOnCrime #Politics #News #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110941435424742464
#news #politics #toughoncrime #georgia #rudygiulianiarrested #rollingstone
Rudy ‘Tough on Crime’ Giuliani Arrested in Georgia
#RollingStone #RudyGiulianiArrested #Georgia #ToughOnCrime #Politics #News #Politics #News
#rollingstone #rudygiulianiarrested #georgia #toughoncrime #politics #news
I'll believe it when I start seeing gardaí patrolling on ebikes https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/crime/arrests-imminent-following-life-changing-attack-on-us-tourist-as-varadkar-vows-to-get-tough-on-thugs/a1070962087.html
#Varadkar #ToughOnCrime #WheresTheGarda
#varadkar #toughoncrime #wheresthegarda
I'm absolutely fine with the NatACTs 'get tough on gangs' policies...
... as long as political parties are included in the definition of a "gang".
#nzpolitics #toughoncrime #nznational #act
Med lov skal land bygges.
👎Med politisk handlekraft overlaster man.
👎Med kræmmermentalitet sælger man ud.
👎Så bærende søjler slår revner.
»Det er ingen hemmelighed, at lige så snart vi rører ved noget, vil folk kunne spørge, om vi ikke fjerner en lille flig af retssikkerheden, og svaret er ja. 100 pct. retssikkerhed koster rigtig mange penge.«
#dkpol #dkret #minksagen #toughoncrime #domstole #retsvæsen #retsstat #retsprincipper #pølsefabrik
#polsefabrik #retsprincipper #retsstat #retsvæsen #domstole #toughoncrime #minksagen #dkret #dkpol
Informed citizens who read about crime have known this for years. Politicians and the media stir up the fear of crime for their own agendas.
"Australians urged to ditch ‘tough on crime’ mindset for youth justice as it does not work" - #TheGuardian #ToughOnCrime #YouthCrime
#theguardian #toughoncrime #youthcrime
👎 Endnu et opråb, lytter I?
“Der er nul betjente til at drive et nyt fængsel, og strafskærpelse og færre i fodlænke vil betyde flere i fængslerne, der i forvejen er overbelagte. Det kan ikke lade sig gøre, så simpelt er det”.
#dkpol #dkret #dksocial #strammereStraffe #toughoncrime #forebyggelse
#forebyggelse #toughoncrime #strammerestraffe #dksocial #dkret #dkpol
@Ketakater @QasimRashid keeping crime rates high is also needed for 'conservatives' to win elections. At least in the US #ToughOnCrime is one of the pillars #RightWingNutJobs regularly stand on to win elections. Against all evidence to the contrary #GOP still seems to succeed with this fairytale that more inhumane laws and militarized law enforcement will make the righteous citizens safer ...
#toughoncrime #rightwingnutjobs #gop
Ravi to the courage folks who subdued the Colorado gunman. Now let’s put safeguards against guns, even if SCOTUS wants more crime #crime #toughoncrime
@richsignorelli This is precisely what they were hoping for .. that we wouldn’t want to “hurt the nation” by indicting a bunch of sitting members of Congress and an ex-president. We NEED to use some of that #GOP #ToughOnCrime sensibility for this. I’m still cautiously optimistic about the special counsel.