Global News BC: B.C.’s Tour de Cure 2023 ride raises $7.1M for cancer research so far #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCCancerFoundation #BCcancerfundraiser #bccancerresearch #TourdeCure2023 #BCfundraiser #FraserValley #TourdeCure #Canada #Health #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bccancerfoundation #bccancerfundraiser #bccancerresearch #tourdecure2023 #BCfundraiser #fraservalley #tourdecure #Canada #health #BC
Been quiet a lot lately, been doing stuff and haven't been in a mood to tweet everything going on
But gonna make one more try for this.
I'm fundraising for and taking part in the Chicago #TourDeCure event. I'm trying to hit a $1K goal
Been quiet a lot lately, been doing stuff and haven't been in a mood to tweet everything going on
But gonna make one more try for this.
I'm fundraising for and taking part in the Chicago #TourDeCure event. I'm trying to hit a $1K goal