The Bleeding Obvious 🩸 · @bleedingobvs
249 followers · 101 posts · Server

Wrote stuff about last year then forgot I'd writted it and never pressed publish, so here it is. It's getting to the point I only ever write something on that blog around January-time... should probably make more of an effort.

tl;dr - lots of shows, knackered out, tons of fun tho.

#EdFringe #performingarts #touringmusician #musician #fringe #tour2022

Last updated 2 years ago

The Bleeding Obvious 🩸 · @bleedingobvs
173 followers · 7 posts · Server

Final week of the November tour, three dates this week and winter’s arrived with a vengeance here in . I’d better check the tourbus is OK with the cold before I do the drive to Bristol for tomorrow’s gig and sort a layover hotel too… but for the moment there is Radio 3, this warm snuggly quilt, and a mug of coffee ☕️

#wakefield #tourlife #bristol #touringmusician #yorkshire #westyorkshire

Last updated 2 years ago