"A short novel of rare beauty, Tove Jansson’s The Summer Book (1972) tells the story of Sophia, a six-year-old girl spending the summer with her grandmother on a remote island in the Gulf of Finland."
Barbara Tesio-Ryan
Review of #ToveJansson's The True Deceiver (translated by Thomas Teal) for @BookJotter's #ToveTrove and #WITMonth.
Also, announcing #MoominWeek for 2024...
#tovejansson #tovetrove #witmonth #moominweek
tänään on luemma Tove Janssonin päivä, niin sen kunniaksi satunnainen katkelma kodittomuudesta, filosofiasta ja omenaviinistä.
...ja hetkonen irl myös olennon elinympäristön tuhoutumisesta ajattelemattoman rakennusprojektin vuoksi. tämä oli nyt kyllä freudilainen lipsahdus.
Kometen kommer / Muumipeikko ja pyrstötähti
"It's funny about paths and rivers," he mused, "you see them go by and suddenly you feel upset and want to be somewhere else -- wherever the path or river is going, perhaps."
Today, 9th August, is the anniversary of #ToveJansson's birth in 1914. Here's my review of The Exploits of #Moominpappa (1950) supposedly completed on this date, posted for #ToveTrove.
#tovejansson #moominpappa #tovetrove
Renewing my acquaintance with #Mumitrolden (#TheMoomins), thanks to #Frederiksberg's wonderful #library, and goodness there's some wisdom in there...
#librariansrule #tovejansson #biblioteketfkb #parenting #moomin #library #Frederiksberg #themoomins #mumitrolden
Utstilling med Tove Jansson på #Tegnerforbundet. Oppe til 03.09.2023 #ToveJansson #Kunst #Maleri #Tegning #MummiTrollet #Oslo #NorskTut #Allheimen #KunstTut
#tegnerforbundet #tovejansson #kunst #maleri #Tegning #MummiTrollet #oslo #Norsktut #allheimen #KunstTut
Blog Moomin:
„Ich habe mich unsterblich in eine Frau verliebt“ – Queere Themen in Tove Janssons Leben und Werk- Teil 1
Inwiefern war #ToveJansson queer? Welche unterschiedlichen Geschlechterrollen gibt es im Mumintal? In dieser Blogserie befassen wir uns intensiv mit queeren Tove-Jansson-Themen -
Moomin.com (English)
#Empfehlung: Verfilmung der #Biographie über die #Künstlerin und Schriftstellerin #ToveJansson https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/br-queer/tove-oder-biopic/br-fernsehen/Y3JpZDovL2JyLmRlL3ZpZGVvLzk3MmQ0YzYzLTI5YzgtNGI4Zi04MTQwLTQ0MzU2NmEwNWM5MA #Mumins #BRQueer
#empfehlung #biographie #kunstlerin #tovejansson #mumins #brqueer
Spielfilm Tove in der ARD-Mediathek https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL2JyLmRlL3ZpZGVvLzk3MmQ0YzYzLTI5YzgtNGI4Zi04MTQwLTQ0MzU2NmEwNWM5MA/ #tovejansson #queer
Ail-ddarllen hwn gan mod i wedi dod ar wyliau heb ddigon o lyfrau a wnaeth Philippa orffen hwn yr un amser â finne dod i ben â #TadWilliams
Dim cof o gwbl o’r llyfr, 9 mlynedd ar ôl i fi ddarllen am y tro cyntaf, ond mae’n wych.
#ToveJansson #DarllenNawr https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/14173d88-aed5-4412-821b-bb4b59e74cc4
#DarllenNawr #tovejansson #TadWilliams
The magic of midsummer in #ToveJansson’s life and books
”Först ska man gå sju varv runt sig själv medan man brummar lite och stampar I marken. Sen går man baklänges till en brunn och tittar ner i den. Och då får man se den man ska gifta sig med i vattnett!
Och hur får man upp honom? frågade Filifjonkan uppskakad.”
29.06.23, 23:15 - 00:50, BR
Kotaku: News Of A Whopping 77 'Wholesome Games' Just Dropped, But We Think You'll Love These 26 https://kotaku.com/best-wholesome-games-cozy-nintendo-switch-pc-gaming-ps5-1850526568 #gaming #tech #kotaku #sangeantabletopportableaudiodevice #puzzlevideogames #grimoiregroves #creativeworks #tovejansson #videogames #halfhead #karmazoo #games #cato #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #sangeantabletopportableaudiodevice #puzzlevideogames #grimoiregroves #creativeworks #tovejansson #videogames #halfhead #karmazoo #games #cato #rpg
"…moss is terribly frail. Step on it once and it rises the next time it rains. The second time, it doesn't rise back up. And the third time you step on moss, it dies. Eider ducks are the same way – the third time you frighten them up from their nests, they never come back."
—Tove Jansson, The Summer Book (tr. Thomas Teal) #moss #mosstodon #ducks #reading #bookstodon #ToveJansson
#moss #Mosstodon #ducks #reading #bookstodon #tovejansson
#ToveJansson #Illustrations from moomin this one is of snufkin.
I dont know why the road made me think of her work. It could be though that while much more whimsical her art and writing has a similar fascination with dreamlike apocalypse.
Comet in moomin land captures this the best.
But all I have read of her writing is a kind of haunted joy found only in the bleakness of survival in a world of sorrow.
"I had a cousin once who studied trigonometry until his whiskers drooped, and when he had learned it all, a Groke came and ate him up." #books #tovejansson
Yleensä nämä Hesarin "multimedia-artikkelit" ovat rasittavia ja teennäisiä. Mieluummin lukisi vain tavallisen lehtijutun. Mutta analyysi Tove Jansonin Omakuvasta on piristävä poikkeus.
Katso kuvaa | Tove Janssonilla oli särkynyt sydän ja mies, joka tapaili myös ”maalattua blondia Roobertinkadulla” – yksi teos paljastaa taiteilijasta enemmän kuin olemme tienneet: https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000009465151.html?share=536fdacc1efc5419cd7197b470f2b3ec
#hesari #tovejansson #kuvataide