#towards : with direction to, in a moral sense
- French: envers
- German: nach
- Italian: verso
- Portuguese: em direção a
- Spanish: hacia
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#Goodbye #desperation
#Confessions and small #talk
There's not much left here
When it is there, that I #walk
It's #sweet and #warm
No sharp #thorns
#True #possibility
For you are me and I am yours
Full of #serenity
#Crowns pointed for the #stars
Don't look back or look #forwards
Just #towards
Just #Be
Yes, just Be, m'Lord
#poem #poetry #endings #beginnings #NewView #connection #spirituality #pastlives #thislife
#goodbye #desperation #confessions #talk #walk #sweet #warm #thorns #true #possibility #serenity #crowns #stars #forwards #towards #be #poem #poetry #endings #beginnings #newview #connection #spirituality #pastlives #thislife
the #repackaging of #old #misogynistic #ideas that #younger #generations #think they’ve #outgrown into #buzzword-filled #tiktoks and #tweets that will be #pushed #towards #young #impressionable #people is #extremely #dangerous. #But also extremely #funny #like #you can’t get this #anywhere else
#repackaging #old #misogynistic #ideas #younger #generations #think #outgrown #buzzword #tiktoks #tweets #pushed #towards #young #impressionable #people #extremely #dangerous #but #funny #like #you #anywhere
#towards : with direction to, in a moral sense
- French: envers
- German: nach
- Italian: verso
- Portuguese: em direção a
- Spanish: hacia
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ https://reddit.com/r/LearnANewLanguage
#Black #boy, 12, with #autism is #cuffed and #CONCUSSED by #police officers #after #mom #signed him up to #lawenforcement #run #tennis #program to try and #teach #him #positive #attitude #towards #cops
#black #boy #autism #cuffed #concussed #police #after #mom #signed #lawenforcement #run #tennis #program #teach #him #positive #attitude #towards #cops
More than a third of parents fail to contribute towards child maintenance payments | Family finances | The Guardian #more #than #third #parents #fail #contribute #towards #child #maintenance #payments #family #finances #guardian #7agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL21vbmV5LzIwMjIvYXVnLzA3L21vcmUtdGhhbi1hLXRoaXJkLW9mLXBhcmVudHMtZmFpbC10by1jb250cmlidXRlLXRvd2FyZHMtY2hpbGQtbWFpbnRlbmFuY2UtcGF5bWVudHM=
#7agosto #guardian #finances #family #payments #maintenance #child #towards #contribute #fail #parents #third #than #more
Warnings on air pollution need to be directed towards polluters – study | Air pollution | The Guardian #warnings #pollution #need #directed #towards #polluters #study #guardian #1luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL2Vudmlyb25tZW50LzIwMjIvanVsLzAxL3dhcm5pbmdzLW9uLWFpci1wb2xsdXRpb24tbmVlZC10by1iZS1kaXJlY3RlZC10b3dhcmRzLXBvbGx1dGVycy1zdHVkeQ==
#1luglio #guardian #study #polluters #towards #directed #need #pollution #warnings
towards the oracle...
#towards #oracle #green #through #throughput #animatedgif
towards the oracle...
#towards #oracle #green #through #throughput #animatedgif