Über den Zusammenhang von Handtuchspendern an der #Hochschule und Abwasserkatastrophen sowie routinemäßigem #TowelDay – und dem Praktisch-Nicht-Zusammenhang mit meinem #CO2-Fußabdruck (leider!):
#zuengeln #co2 #towelday #hochschule
Happy belated #TowelDay. Hier ein besonderer Neuzugang: Nr. 342/750 (42 hat leider jemand anderes) der limitierten Ausgabe der @foliosociety von The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy von Douglas Adams. Mit Handtuch!
#bookstagram #books #sff #sciencefiction #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy
#hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #sciencefiction #sff #books #Bookstagram #towelday
Hab am #TowelDay das fünfte #NerdQuiz veranstaltet, hier das Quiz als PDF. Wie viel schafft ihr 🤓
Euch erwarten Themen wie Animé, Regex, Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis, Minecraft, KIs, Dinos und mehr...
➡️ jasie.de/nerd-quiz/jasies_nerd_quiz_5.pdf
Kudos an meinen Co-Host jaweg 💜
Happy Belated Towel Day to those who celebrate! Marcus and I are partaking today. #DontPanic #towelday
Die Lesung im Schloss Schönbrunn war super, ein paar Bücher hab ich auch verkauft, aber das Wichtigste: Ich hatte ein Handtuch mit! 😏
#TowelDay #EngelUnterMordverdacht #selfpublishing #autor_innenleben
#towelday #engeluntermordverdacht #selfpublishing #autor_innenleben
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the #Galaxy: I mean. Yesterday was #towelday. If You haven't read it yet, do Yourself a favour. Would be a shame to one day perish without this #gem tumbling within Your #mind.
Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr: a deep #animal #tale for #adults with miraculously woven #wordsmithery.
The Red Lion: opens with a quote warning the reader to only continue if they are ready to go until the end, otherwise they are lost. An #esoteric novel, full of influential #wisdom.
#galaxy #towelday #gem #mind #animal #tale #adults #wordsmithery #esoteric #wisdom
hoy mi toalla ondea desde mi balcon con mas orgullo que nunca #TowelDay
¡jamas a tiempo,
siempre tarde es nuestro lema!😆
I photographed the #SUPERNOVA in the #Pinwheel galaxy last night. Here is the result.
#M101 #SUPERNOVA #foto #astro #astronomy #Astrophotography #photography #photo #towelday
#supernova #pinwheel #m101 #foto #astro #astronomy #astrophotography #photography #photo #towelday
#hitchhikingthroughthegalaxytaughtme that a really hot cup of tea can fix anything
Happy #towelday
#hitchhikingthroughthegalaxytaughtme #towelday
Nyt pidämme pienen välivuoden kuolleina. Rupeamme julkaisemaan tämän vuoden arkistopoimintoja palttiarallaa huhtikuussa 2024, kun Pyyhepäivä taas lähestyy.
Thanks for playing, Mickey. I wasn't sure how #HitchhikingThroughTheGalaxyTaughtMe would play out but I wanted to celebrate #TowelDay. The game really has taken off.
I guess people appreciate it as much as I.
Have a good rest.
#hitchhikingthroughthegalaxytaughtme #towelday #hashtaggames
It's still #towelday somewhere on the planet so here's one of my favourite quotes of #douglasadams
"It's easy to think that as a result of the extinction of the dodo we are now sadder and wiser, but there's a lot of evidence to suggest that we are merely sadder and better informed."
Douglas Adams, 1990, Last Chance to See
Two heads are not always better than one, but it’s nice to have the choice.
#hitchhikingthroughthegalaxytaughtme #HashtagGames #towelday #douglasadams
"Any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his #towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with…"
--Douglas Noel Adams (11 March 1952 – 11 May 2001) English; Author, Scriptwriter, Essayist, Humorist, Satirist, Dramatist. Unnecessarily Tall. 💫
#towel #towelday #geekdom #dontpanic #scififandom
Happy #TowelDay to all my fellow travelers on this planet. May the Earth never be destroyed to make way for a hyperspace right of way.
This article describes fans of Douglas Adams as "a fiercely loyal and exceptionally quirky bunch of intellects," and I couldn't agree more. We're also quite hoopy, and have even known a mattress or two named Zem. #TowelDay