I’m proud to endorse Liam Watson for Blacksburg Town Council. He’s a forward-thinking candidate with the experience and commitment to service needed for the job. Please join me in writing in “Liam Watson” on the ballot this fall. 🗳️
Meet Liam: https://www.liamwatsonva.com
#Blacksburg #Virginia #NRV #Election #Election2023 #TownCouncil
#blacksburg #virginia #nrv #election #election2023 #towncouncil
🏡 Are you a Blacksburg resident? If so, you can support my campaign for Town Council with a yard sign. Send me a message with your address, and we’ll deliver one to you.
#Blacksburg #Virginia #NRV #Election #Election2023 #TownCouncil
#blacksburg #virginia #nrv #election #election2023 #towncouncil