Little tool to break NAT and tunnel stuff though #tox
@thegibson "...advent of Veilid..." why is veiled so much different to #tox, #jami or a multitude of other decentralised chat systems that also make this proposed law useless?
I'm looking forward to veilid, but how different is it to the others?
Does it have the possibility of offline/caching of messages? That's were most of the other decentralized/P2P chat systems fall down IMO.
HackRead: LockBit Ransomware Gang in Decline, May Be Compromised, Report #Cybersecurity #CyberAttack #CyberCrime #Ransomware #darkweb #LockBit #TOX
#cybersecurity #cyberattack #cybercrime #ransomware #darkweb #lockbit #tox
I am super happy to be able to announce that I will be speaking about my experience with maintaining #tox, a #Python tool with more than 10 million monthly downloads at PyCon CZ in Prague this September.
Looking forward to meeting new and old friends!
@brettcannon We discussed this for #tox, and we decided to create a `.gitignore` for the `.tox` folder where all the virtual environments live.
(looking for a contribution)
Bazaar`s ignore file ( .bzrignore ) is very similar to git`s one. I can check whether it works as I think tomorrow when I am back at my laptop.
Note to self: the #Tox error "py27-<...>: skipped because could not find python interpreter with spec(s): python2.7" occurs when the virtualenv package is too new for that old-and-busted #Python version. Constrain it in tox.ini
I knew @pygotham is awesome, but look at that! They sent me a ton of items so I can deliver my best remote talk ever!
Thanks so much!
Looking forward to presenting my talk "Behind the Scenes of tox: The Journey of Rewriting a Python Tool with Over 10 Million Monthly Downloads" on PyGotham TV!
Please check out and mark the 6th and 7th October in your calendar!
#python #tox #pygothamtv #pygotham
a number of options out there but as you say , onboarding people is the main barrier.
I have #briar and #session but also tinkered with #berty .
You might like to check out #cabal or #tox or my favourite #ssb which has folks that are as nerdy as I am.
Tox compatibility -
#ssb #tox #cabal #Berty #session #briar
Do you want to contribute to a vital #opensource project and even earn some money?
There is a $100 bounty on a well defined #tox feature/bug report.
Potrzebujecie prywatnego komunikatora stawiającego na open source? Polecam w takim razie zapoznać się z poniżej podlinkowaną aplikacją (znajdziecie ją również w sklepie Play).
Oczywiście użytkowanie takiej aplikacji nadal może nas narażać na różne mechanizmy pozyskiwania danych z naszego urządzenia, mimo wszystko w mym mniemaniu jest to krokiem w dobrym kierunku do stworzenia sobie łącza bezpiecznej komunikacji. A może wy znacie jakieś alternatywy lub inne warte poznania środki bezpieczeństwa cyfrowego godne polecenia w komentarzu do tego posta?
#bezpieczeństwo #cyberbezpieczeństwo #komunikacja #prywatność #kanał #dane #komunikator #komunikatory #Tox #aTox #aplikacje #technologia #konwersacja #tajemnice #opensource #oprogramownie #program #wielkibrat #1984 #internet #świat #łącze
aTox (aTox, piękny i nowoczesny klient Tox)
#lacze #swiat #internet #wielkibrat #program #oprogramownie #opensource #tajemnice #konwersacja #technologia #aplikacje #aTox #tox #komunikatory #komunikator #dane #kanal #prywatnosc #komunikacja #cyberbezpieczenstwo #bezpieczenstwo
@ianonymous3000 @signalapp great, they don't even mention #briar #tox or #jami :)
Two weeks ago my #windows10 machine started to feel sluggish; installing #python packages, running #tox and even my browser took its time to load websites.
All of this made me consider moving all of my dev projects to #ubuntu under #wsl2 because #tox ran faster.
#windows10 #python #tox #ubuntu #wsl2
I am excited to announce that my talk "Behind the Scenes of tox: The Journey of Rewriting a Python Tool with more than 10 Million Monthly Downloads" from PyCon DE & PyData 2023 in Berlin is finally available on YouTube.
#opensource #python #tox #pyconde
When Tommy saw Belinda in her bikini 6 years ago, he was nervous.
Now, not only does he like seeing women in bikinis, he also likes seeing nude women too.
#コイカツ #koikatsu #koikatu #original #oc #tales #talesof #talesofvesperia #talesofsymphonia #talesofxillia #tov #tos #tox #kid #boy #adult #woman #shota #shotacon #agedifference #swimsuit #bikini #nude #boobs #exhibitionism #seduction #beach #harem #ecchi #Rated_R
#コイカツ #koikatsu #koikatu #original #oc #tales #talesof #talesofvesperia #talesofsymphonia #talesofxillia #tov #tos #tox #kid #boy #adult #woman #shota #shotacon #agedifference #swimsuit #bikini #nude #boobs #exhibitionism #seduction #beach #harem #ecchi #Rated_R
@steriana @mhoye As @jamescooke already mentioned, #tox is not only used for testing, but also for building docs, running linters and many other things. make is unsuitable for Python development as it lacks the concept of virtualenvs. If you are happy with make, fine, I am not here to convince anyone, but I question whether you will be able to master #Python when you cannot collaborate with the 10s of thousands of Python projects out there, as you do not want to learn a new configuration format.
What a lovely audience I had at my talk "Behind the Scenes of tox: The Journey of Rewriting a Python Tool with Over 10 Million Monthly Downloads" at the last day of @opensouthcode in the stunning venue in Málaga.
Thanks for attending and the many questions!
See you at @opensouthcode 2024!
#opensouthcode #opensouthcode2023 #tox #python
I just arrived at @opensouthcode in the beautiful city of Málaga and I already met so many friendly people!
Also the venue is fantastic!
Thanks to all the organizers, the sponsors, the speakers and the visitors for making this a great conference!
Thanks to my employer #Canonical for sponsoring my trip. Looking forward to attending more talks today, and speaking tomorrow!
#canonical #opensouthcode #opensouthcode2023 #tox #linux