Yami no senshi · @Yami_no_senshi
24 followers · 440 posts · Server mstdn.social

is a with Stupid People

#toxicDump #Facebook

Last updated 4 years ago

As we've previously, there are many and in who are working to undermine our process to gain a and .

Three years ago a shot down the proposal for a in . There was a multi-million dollar push for at the time.

Now, with a Premier in power, we have grave concerns for a future in this country.

#warpigs #wellConnected #lobbyists #australia #democratic #nuclearwaste #nuclearEnergy #racket #citizensJury #toxicDump #SouthAustralia #nuclear #sychophant #stateGovt #StevenMarshall #sustainable

Last updated 5 years ago