Teysseire et.al., in a 2019 research article developed a , -driven model that identifies and prioritises , to aid in care. 38 were 'flagged' as 'high .' After some of our own investigating about registered uses found that 20 of these 38 HPV
are use-permitted in 6 nations. Again, more impacting cost-externalising economy at work.

#regulatory #database #weightofevidence #algorithmic #chemical #reproductive #toxicants #perinatal #pesticides #risk #chemicals #ASEAN #publichealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Seth Frndak · @sethfrnd
169 followers · 310 posts · Server fediscience.org


With another wave of movement to mastodon I'll do an again!

PS. Respect and learn about Mastodon. It's not Tw**r.

I am a research fellow at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health!

I am interested in how & modify the effects of on

#developmentalpsychopathology #neurodegeneration #neurodevelopment #toxicants #environmental #enrichment #stress #neighborhood #postdoctoral #introduction #epidemiology #epitwitter #epiverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Seth Frndak · @sethfrnd
151 followers · 246 posts · Server fediscience.org