RT @byetwit
The #RacistRoyalFamily friends in the #ToxicBritishMedia are deplorable.
NEVER forget:
they WILL use you
they WILL twist your words
Believe NOTHING they say
Ur response to ANY request they make: "NO" or "ef no" or "hell no"
#toxicbritishmedia #racistroyalfamily
R4 this morning, discussing mental health
Presenter 1: Study shows being nice to Neighbours works as well as CBT
P2: {is nice to P1}
P1: I feel better already
P2:I'm the one who's meant to feel better
P1 & P2: Laugh frivolously, belittling mental health.
RT @MsParaDoxy@twitter.com
@LBC@twitter.com It’s 7am and LBC’s Nick Ferrari thinks it’s hilarious and indicative of something that there aren’t queues of customers outside London bookshops waiting to buy a copy of #Spare
Thereby proving what a desperate old Murdoch hack he is.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MsParaDoxy/status/1612711963909300224
RT @MsParaDoxy@twitter.com
@TudorChick1501@twitter.com Oh dear! The #ToxicBritishMedia will be disappointed 😏 https://twitter.com/msparadoxy/status/1612711963909300224
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MsParaDoxy/status/1612886064565207041
RT @casscasscassio@twitter.com
Anyway, here is #Camilla’s official biographer, Angela Levin, mocking the Sussex children’s names using misspellings often used by trolls. Genuinely vile behaviour…and of course she’s often invited on to share her views on the Sussexes on news shows. #ToxicBritishMedia
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/casscasscassio/status/1612411814360539140