When you for once have something to talk about and have a long text exchange with someone who used to be your BFF and than just became a person you text occasionally and it gets so toxic so quickly that you're very happy that person abondand the friendship #ToxicFriendship #toxicfriends
#toxicfriendship #toxicfriends
I'm living a life this person could never understand. I have done things that this person has only talked about. And honestly, this person's #InternalizedQueerphoboa, which they projected onto me, is a big part of why it took me a decade to #ComeOut. I'm only now realizing that, no matter how cool this person was, they were not a supportive friend. #ToxicFriendship #PersonalGrowth #Facebook
#internalizedqueerphoboa #comeout #toxicfriendship #personalgrowth #facebook
Yet I have done so much in my life to try to silence this person's voice in my head, to prove to them that I'm not what they said I was over a decade ago now. But why? If not for #Facebook, we would have drifted apart and forgotten about each other, like we should have. Not all relationships are meant to last, and this #ToxicFriendship certainly wasn't. I deserved so much more than this person's bitterness and meanness. And I'm not carrying out anymore.