This starts with the false premise that there is a point to the #ToxicLiberalParty
There is no point to the #ToxicCorruptLiberalParty
Other than that is an interesting piece
#toxicliberalparty #toxiccorruptliberalparty #auspol
@badwolftyler the #ToxicLiberalParty is still full of racist old white men with colonial values and ideologies. They aren't fit to be a political force in #AusPol ever again. Their women aren't any better, some even worse which is hard to comprehend.
They should fade away.
As for the #ToxicOzMedia who endorse them, they need to go as well. We need serious #MediaReform and #MediaRegulation
#toxicliberalparty #auspol #toxicozmedia #mediareform #MediaRegulation