Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #makeArtNotWar #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #standForUkraine #Нетвойны #toxicMasculinity #whatIsVictory #whatFor #pacifism #wheat #nutrition #hunger #famine #harvest #screamingHead #emblematy #handWithEye #watchingYou #observation #surveillance
#kunst #contemporaryart #makeartnotwar #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #standforukraine #нетвойны #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #whatfor #pacifism #wheat #nutrition #hunger #famine #harvest #screaminghead #emblematy #handwitheye #watchingyou #observation #surveillance
ultimately this would explore sexuality, obviously, but also #toxicmasculinity as RANCE seems to be the most toxic person ever from the screenshots i've seen.
but again, my list of games i want to write about is very long, so only time will tell.
see my current list:
Ambiguous impulses for your own mental cinema. Handcarved rubber stamps and acrylic colours on DIN-A4 paper, no NFTs:
#kunst #contemporaryArt #makeArtNotWar #mentalCinema #handCarvedStamp #noNFT #saveBiodiversity #climateActionNow #systemChange #endFossilFuels #makeArtNotWar #fckFdp #fckAfd #fckPtn #standForUkraine #noWar #Нетвойны #soldier #sniper #collateralDamage #toxicMasculinity #whatIsVictory #whatFor #pacifism #emblematy #handWithEye #watchingYou #observation #surveillance
#kunst #contemporaryart #makeartnotwar #mentalcinema #handcarvedstamp #noNFT #savebiodiversity #climateactionnow #systemchange #EndFossilFuels #fckfdp #fckafd #fckptn #standforukraine #nowar #нетвойны #soldier #sniper #collateraldamage #toxicmasculinity #whatisvictory #whatfor #pacifism #emblematy #handwitheye #watchingyou #observation #surveillance
Es ist doch so: das #patriarchat hat sich erfunden, um mit Unterdrückung & #WhiteSupremcy jeden Anschein von menschlichen Schwächen für sich auszuschließen. Und je mehr dem Patriarchen deren eigene Schwächen, Abhängigkeiten & #not vorgeführt wir, unter denen er selber leidet, desto aggressiver leugnet er das und plustert sich auf. Und jetzt der #klimawandel…
#faschismus #misogynie #frauenhass #antisemitismus #sexismus #kolonialismus #rechtskonservative #toxicmasculinity #Männerbild #antifeminismusbekampfen #feminismusoderbarbarei #klimaaktivistensindkeineterroristen #schöpfung @fdp @cducsubt
#patriarchat #WhiteSupremcy #not #klimawandel #faschismus #misogynie #frauenhass #antisemitismus #sexismus #kolonialismus #rechtskonservative #toxicmasculinity #Männerbild #antifeminismusbekampfen #feminismusoderbarbarei #klimaaktivistensindkeineterroristen #schöpfung
#WhiteSupremacist #ClimateDenial: Worrying #climate scientists and #disinformation experts because #ToxicMasculinity for years has been actively courting alienated males in their 20s and younger.
#WhiteFaceBlackFuel #HumanRightsViolations #whitewashedhistory #LiesAgainstTheFuture
#whitesupremacist #climatedenial #climate #disinformation #toxicmasculinity #whitefaceblackfuel #HumanRightsViolations #whitewashedhistory #liesagainstthefuture
Boy wasn’t dressed for gym, so he was told to run, family says. He died amid triple-digit heat
#toxicmasculinity #keepitintheground #extremeheatkills
Poster boy for #toxicmasculinity.
I can't stand this douche nozzle.
I know it's all an act, but I have enough toxicity in my day-to-day work life; why watch it during my relax-time?
Not for me, I guess.
Needless to say that the campaign of #TerryGou saw a telltale start when former KMT health minister #YaungChihLiang made some belittling remarks regarding #domesticviolence while fantasizing about beating up president #TsaiIngWen.
Absolutely no class in these remarks, this is the same brand of #toxicmasculinity that failed KMT candidate #HanKuoYu had plenty of as well. Deep blue and reactionary stuff that won't lead to any progress.
#Taiwan #FarEast
#terrygou #yaungchihliang #domesticviolence #tsaiingwen #toxicmasculinity #hankuoyu #taiwan #fareast
Mich erschreckt sehr, wie groß das Problem ist, das mit dem Barbiefilm und Männlichkeit aufgemacht wird.
"Ich war am Wochenende in einem Film, aber aus aus Rücksicht auf die Reputation meiner Männer möchte ich den Titel nicht sagen."
"Das würde bei meinen Männern an Körperverletzung grenzen, würde ich sie dazu nötigen."
Genau dieser Umgang mit Männlichkeit, diese Eindimensionalität ist das Problem und genau die wird auch (sehr wenig subtil) thematisiert.
#RepublicansAreTerrorists: #DeSantis’ #white #supremacist actions and #policies helped to create an #environment where #whitesupremacy is #normalized because it’s #sanctioned by the state’s highest office.
#DomesticTerroristMovement #RacistChurchIdentity #GQP #ToxicMasculinity #VietnamWarSyndrom #MassShootings #GunCulture #ItsTheGuns #StateSanctionedViolence #2ndAmendmentPatrols
#republicansareterrorists #desantis #white #supremacist #policies #environment #whitesupremacy #normalized #sanctioned #domesticterroristmovement #racistchurchidentity #GQP #toxicmasculinity #vietnamwarsyndrom #massshootings #gunculture #itstheguns #statesanctionedviolence #2ndamendmentpatrols
Breaking: Neanderthals, once thought extinct, discovered at Spanish Football Federation.
#rubiales #spain #WomensWorldCup #toxicMasculinity #patriarchy
#rubiales #spain #womensworldcup #toxicmasculinity #patriarchy
Google show me an image of #toxicmasculinity and #misogyny personified. #istandwithjennihermoso #mastodaoine
#toxicmasculinity #misogyny #istandwithjennihermoso #mastodaoine
Are Men Killing The Planet?
#patriarchy #toxicmasculinity #hegemonicmasculinity #patriarchalmasculinity #petromasculinity #misogyny #racism #antifeminism #domination #control #oppression
#patriarchy #toxicmasculinity #hegemonicmasculinity #patriarchalmasculinity #petromasculinity #misogyny #racism #antifeminism #domination #control #oppression
Psychological analysis video of the link between #ToxicMasculinity and the #EnvironmentalCrisis . #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
#toxicmasculinity #environmentalcrisis #massextinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
"Andrew Tate prosecution files reveal graphic claims of coercion ahead of trial"
Lucy Williamson deserves counselling for PTSD after covering this story.
#andrewtate #misogyny #rape #slavery #toxicmasculinity
Why am I seeing pickup trucks as police vehicles? Are they hauling around suspects in the truck bed? Is picking up a load of dirt a new critical part of the police job?
Or are these guys insecure because they aren't driving around an F350?
#police #policing #toxicmasculinity
A grown man wraps a bible around a baseball bat and then proceeds to smash a Barbie dreamhouse during a church service.
Patriarchy and Christian Nationalism at its absolute best 🙄
#christiannationalism #badfaith #toxicmasculinity
#ViolenceAgainstWomenAct: Should individuals subject to #DomesticViolence #RestrainingOrders be allowed to #own #guns? If you think the answer is a screaming, obvious “#No,” you haven’t been paying much attention to the Supreme Court
#HowTheLawFailsWomen #StateSanctionedViolence #patriarchy #toxicmasculinity #RightToCare #Dobbs #corruptrobertscourt #5thCircuitRightWingActivism #StatusQuo
#violenceagainstwomenact #domesticviolence #restrainingorders #own #guns #no #howthelawfailswomen #statesanctionedviolence #patriarchy #toxicmasculinity #righttocare #dobbs #corruptrobertscourt #5thcircuitrightwingactivism #statusquo
Men in power must take lead on tackling #ToxicMasculinity, says #HumzaYousaf
Scottish #FirstMinister says every man can play a role in challenging problematic behaviour
#firstminister #humzayousaf #toxicmasculinity