@dswidow I agree it is a quandary but it is a self-created one; those employed by news companies supposedly have an ethical code but that is MIA for many. They've shot themselves in the proverbial foot and unless they work to force their managements to do better (via unions or shareholder revolts) then they will continue to decline in relevance. We now, in Oz, have far more trustworthy independent journalists along with a tiny handful left in the the mostly . I don't hold out much hope that the MSM will be fixed; regulation is weak to zip; ethical standards are a joke, management is full of people who suck up to and the like in the other majors and they lose credibility by the day with every propaganda piece they do. calls them out so they can't really hide any more either.

#toxicmsm #traitormurdoch #socialmedia

Last updated 2 years ago