I _JUST_ learned about a VR product that is 10+yrs old today that is kicking the ass of 's product point to point product wise which is $51 more expensive than the named which is growing at a 3x rate of 's flagship product and is waaaaay less expensive by 3x!!!

Exec Summary: PICO is for Business
VR and Meta's VR product is just for games.

PICO has 250+ vs Meta's paltry 400 games for the place form and since they compete there is some gaming company software cross overs.

The _Best_ part is the has its _own platform_ that _doesn't require anything related_
( read: or watch 's then rewatch , ) to function login wise.

O_o !!!! >.<


#meta #metaverse #metaquest2 #pico4 #wsj #siliconvalley #vr #mr #ar #competition #toxicsocialmedia #netflix #thesocialdilemma #thesocialnetwork #dumbfscks

Last updated 2 years ago

this story....

Is this another ☣️ ☣️ but with the ☣️ ☣️ hidden at ☣️☣️ ? πŸ€”πŸ‘©β€βš–οΈβ˜£οΈ

vice.com/en/article/qjk995/uta πŸ‘€πŸ‘€β˜£οΈ

#bookmark #meta #toxicsocialmediaonepointoh #toxicsocialmedia #murder #murderstream

Last updated 2 years ago

cynthia rose · @cynthiarose
145 followers · 278 posts · Server sfba.social

You know what’s crazy? The more real world activities I engage in, the less time I spend on social media, and I don’t miss it. Shifting out of my hermit crab phase and not documenting every moment like it’s 2001 or some shit… I’m really not hating this!

#mastodon #twitter #toxicsocialmedia #screentimedown

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm not sure where I went · @Eignablanco
60 followers · 245 posts · Server mastodon.scot

The absolute of being of for 7 weeks comes in these almost orgasmic rushes. I just saw the email notifications that there were posts there in the groups, and realised I'm free to ignore them til February... I feel like lighting up. πŸ’¦πŸ˜ŒπŸš¬

#toxicsocialmedia #SoGood #kidsactivities #facebook #free #high

Last updated 2 years ago

Welcome πŸ†“πŸ¦ refugees to the best timeline.


was peak divestiture

Be sure to your instances ppl! 🍻

#chronologicaltimelines #mastadon #algorithmfree #web3timelines #web2 #toxicsocialmedia #tippingpoints #tip

Last updated 2 years ago