These MAGA dopes are hell bent on crashing us into the rocks and they really don't care who they hurt, after all Congress is chuck full of greedy grifting millionaires. #Kleptocracy and the mis informed jacked up crazy stupid base just thinks its sweel ruin the country completely to own the libs and have white supremacy. #Pitiful #ToxicStupidity GOP = #GriftersOnlyParty
#kleptocracy #pitiful #toxicstupidity #griftersonlyparty
#ToxicStupidity First scapegoat the so called elite,educated, liberals then pit minority against minority.
Dark money to fund divisive paranoid conspiracy theories. Scapegoat science as some kind of elitest endeavor and instill pride in ignorant callousness.
And lets not forget twisted hateful evangelical white christians who think all they need is their believe in a sky god.