The struggle to be less pedantic is real.
My #ToxicTrait is all the lead in my system from eating paint as a child.
You should avoid letting let me touch you.
My #toxictrait is that I habitually have too many conversations with people solely inside my head.
A casualty of my upbringing, I suspect. It's gotten better over the years, at least.
My #toxictrait is that, if you give me an #editbutton, I will overuse the ever-loving sh*t out of it. I can't help myself. The amount of time I am capable of spending on small edits and tweaks to my own writing asymptotically approaches infinity.
My #toxictrait is #iThink #hashtags are #ugly
#toxictrait #ithink #hashtags #ugly
I got a "deal" on a different brand of coffee, thinking, SURELY it must be almost as good as my fave brand. It was not. :(
Being a coffee snob is my #toxictrait #coffee #coffeesnob
#toxictrait #coffee #coffeesnob