@TheViking The #Rethuglicans are so hypocritical. Paul Whelan was arrested during #ToxicTrump term. He made no effort to get Whelan released. Didn’t hear any criticism. But its #JoeBiden’s fault for negotiating #BrittanyGreiner over Paul Whelan.
#brittanygreiner #JoeBiden #toxictrump #ReThuglicans
Wow, Republicans on CNN saying in the last month things have changed “we are sick of losing, we don’t want to carry his bags anymore”… finally some soul searching, putting a very honest mirror up to Trump, and not liking what they see. #toxictrump
@Exoticgamora #ToxicTrump must be so regretting the day he rode down that escalator and announced he was running for prez. Opened Pandora’s Box.
#ToxicTrump’s organization found guilty of tax fraud through its two employees. Trump not personally found guilty. Thanks #MichaelCohen https://l.smartnews.com/FBuFD/wFheIn
#ToxicTrump will probably make this corrupt Florida federal Judge Aileen Cannon his running mate for her”loyalty” after she gets ‘slammed’ by appeals court in Trump case https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article269511242.html
@Dodo Ja das hab ich auch gehoert und gelesen. Das Titelbild der NYP spricht wirklich Baende. #toxictrump Jetzt bin ich gespannt, ob er trotzdem seine Kanditatur bekannt gibt. Ich nehme an das Ziel ist, wieder Immunty ggu. der ganzen Klagen zu bekommen.