Mid afternoon thoughts on #appreciation:
I once read a quote which said, “you should stop doing things when they are #expected rather than appreciated.” And, while I don’t think it applies to every situation 100%, I do think it’s a good guide.
The most common complaint I hear from people about their #work (whether that’s paid, volunteer or domestic) is that they don’t feel appreciated - by their bosses, colleagues or partners.
In most instances, a little appreciation goes a long way. A #ThankYou or an #acknowledgment don’t take the place of a #PayRise, a #bonus or #SharingTheWorkload but they do mean a better work environment for everyone.
People who feel #UnderValued often also feel #resentful and that adds to #ToxicWorkEnvironments.
None of us are perfect but we can all try to show the people in our lives the appreciation they deserve and hopefully some of that comes back to us as well.
#appreciation #expected #work #thankyou #acknowledgment #payrise #bonus #sharingtheworkload #undervalued #resentful #toxicworkenvironments
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