Do you know the positive predictive value of tachycardia or tremor for predicting a bupropion seizure?
How about the predictive value of a prehospital seizure for cardiac arrest?
Because you could!
Tune on in!
#MedED #FOAMed #TwitteRx #FOAMcc #MedTwitter #EMRx #toxthursday
RT @LabPoison
Bupropion can cause seizures 12-24 hours out.
How to know if a patient will seize? In this #ThePoisonLab episode Dr. Ari Filip (@AriFilipMD)…
#MedEd #FOAMed #TwitteRx #FOAMcc #medtwitter #emrx #toxthursday #thepoisonlab
If you found this data useful, please RT the tweet below to help share trends in poisoning and overdose from the free annual report of Americas Poison Centers.
#MedEd #FOAMed #Toxtweets #Toxthursday #MedTwitter #Twitterx #EMRx #Medicine #Poison #Toxic
RT @EMPoisonPharmD
Had the opportunity to be part of a fascinating work. Americas Poison Center Annual report.
A comprehensive poisoning epidemiology study compiled of data fr…
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