@jonathankoren @neurovagrant Yeah, and AFAICT they mostly support #btrfs, #ext2 / #ext3 / #ext4, #FAT32 and maybe #ExFAT in some cases where the vendor paid $$ per device to #Microsoft.
Mainline #Linux ≠ #Android #toybox / #linux!
As I've gutted most out of the kernel for #OS1337 myself...
#os1337 #toybox #Android #Linux #Microsoft #exfat #fat32 #ext4 #ext3 #ext2 #btrfs
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Mother’s heartbreaking warning after her 4-year-old twins suffocate in toy box | The Independent
@bagder @BrodieOnLinux also because #wget as implemented in #Toybox doesn't support #SSL unless one fiddles with it or can use the pre-made binaries...
Granted that's just the "core" system: with only #linux, #toybox and #dropbear as #ssh client...
Nothing else...
It can barely get on #Ethernet and #SSH to #IPv4-reachable hosts.
Not much more.
So it'll turn your #i486 and up into a SSH-Terminal not dissimilar from classic terminals like the #VT320...
#vt320 #i486 #ipv4 #ethernet #ssh #dropbear #toybox #Linux
Wow, @linux does actually improve efficiency over time...
I just compiled a minimal kernel 6.5 for OS/1337 targeting #i486 instead of #i686 and the resulting binary is even 10kB smaller than the one for 6.4.12...
For real: That's awesome cuz it allows me to make the #Floppy version for #486SX a reality and still have #Toybox & #dropbear as #SSH client in it...
Cudos to @torvalds and the maintainers for that:
They really did cleanup the codebase and made it #smol|ler!
#smol #ssh #dropbear #toybox #486SX #floppy #i686 #i486
@ncommander OFC, that is a concern if RAM is a limiting factor...
And I do know that most distros like @ubuntu will zse shared libraries as they have way more programs needing them at the same time, so I don't think that's bad on their part.
Whereas in my case of OS/1337 the #Floppy version (1440kB) literally only contains #Linux as Kernel, #toybox as Userland and #Dropbear as SSH-Client and nothing else.
It's basically turning a machine into a "SSH-Terminal" and that's it.
#dropbear #toybox #Linux #floppy
Sadly, #toybox doesn't like to build it's #wget with #SSL / #TLS due to a missing header file...
mind you this could even save more space...
Tho I've to see how much #toybox is a drop-in replacement for #BusyBox and how much I need to restructure the files...
But OFC you'll find all the files at the repo:
#Linux 6.4.12 (with networking support!) + #toybox 0.8.10 in 980k using #musl-cross-i686
This is awesome...
Seems like I can fit #dropbear as #SSH client on the 3,5" #1440kB #Floppy as well...
I guess it would've been possible to make #Floppinux for a #720k #Floppy as well... ?
#OS1337 #development
#Development #os1337 #720k #floppinux #floppy #1440kb #ssh #dropbear #musl #toybox #Linux
@whitekiba yeah, I do intent on putting those a bit in order and add the .config for the kernel.
If necessary to get that 1440kB FDD target I do consider having only dbclient (dropbear but as SSH client) or just toybox (with wget enabled) to download the latter into a ramdisk.
Or using busybox.
Tho ideally I could use #toybox+#musl since that wpuld make it easier to get cross-compiled, tho again I'm not fixed on either and would consider both.
The idea is to use that sleek baseline to expand.
@whitekiba In that regard I could try to get that #linux + #toybox thing to work...
I just need to get network up and running...
toybox has wget integrated so it should be able to just pull dropbear...
Just doing like a #tmpfs, yeeting everything in it and mount it as /...
@whitekiba yeah, I got lit 1,6 MB for the bzImage as i486 with USB, Ethernet, WiFi and SMB support...
But that would be like a "base version...
I mean, I do have some ambitious goals, but I don't expect to be able to fit even ne [nice editor] into 1440kB..
In fact I wounder how much I can gut #toybox down further to get that " #Floppinux but with ethernet and #SSH client " goal...
I mean from there on it would be easy to expand this into a fancy #CLI-oriented desktop
@whitekiba Personally I just want to have a "#FrugalComputing" distro that at least works as an #SSH "#ThinClient" or #Terminal...
But sadly I really hit a brick wall getting stuff optimized so that I can fit the absolute bare minimums in there...
After all, I just want a minimal #Linux that offers me a #Terminal and can run #dropbear as #SSH client and let the #toybox do the boring userland housekeeping.
Any advice?
#toybox #dropbear #Linux #Terminal #thinclient #ssh #frugalcomputing
@beforewisdom @razze OFC, since #fish isn't #sh or #bash-compatible, it may not work for everyone, and sadly it doesn't work as a replacement on most commercial setups.
That being said I do think wish for that to be fixed with some addon or similar.
After all, #toybox comes with a minimalist bash that may be repurposed elsewhere.
@beforewisdom and I do struggle getting it down to < 1440kB with #toybox added to it without ending up with a system so cut down and barebones like #Floppinux that it's not useable for anything.
@beforewisdom @Yehuda @fsf for example I do intend to migrate from #bash to #fish simply because it's not only not affiliated with #Stallman and the #FSF / #GNU but also because it's superior in any way.
Granted I don't expect #toybox to drop it's built-in minimalist mostly #bash-compatible #shell for #fish as this would result in precompiled binaries in the double-digit Megabytes and not triple-digit Kilobytes.
And OFC that's not practical beyond a "terminal" system...
#Shell #toybox #GNU #FSF #Stallman #fish #Bash
@beforewisdom @Yehuda @fsf exactly.
As for the #GNUtils like #bash, I do work on getting rid of them as well where I can.
I am currently working on a #minimalist #embedded distro based off #toybox / #Linux + #musl, because #Glibc is a shitty mess that bricks stuff at random in minor version updates for no good reason!
#toybox #glibc #musl #Linux #Embedded #minimalist #Bash #GNUtils
@lunaa @yura @torvalds I know...
There's a reason Distros like #AlpineLinux, #ChimeraLinux and almost all #embedded systems using #Busybox or #Toybox want to get rid of #glibc if not replace it with something like #uClinux, #musl,or another #libc...
Because glibc bricking stuff with minor updates kills any #CCSS and any non-#FLOSS that can't be recompiled.
And what RMS et. al. may see as intentional, I think is the biggest issie that prevents #Linux from dominating #Desktop|s!
#Desktop #Linux #FLOSS #ccss #libc #musl #uclinux #glibc #toybox #busybox #Embedded #ChimeraLinux #alpinelinux
@arialdo @xenodium and even if I wanted to have these, why would I "choose" these over #Busybox's integrated substitutes and/or #Toybox + "portable" / standalone binaries of the tools in question.
Just admit that you want an #IDE + #Userland in one big application and accept that as your choice...
#userland #ide #toybox #busybox