Received this delivery yesterday. Very excited for these figures.
#figurecollector #toys #toycollecting #toycollector
Spent my afternoon tidying up and organizing my ‘wall of happiness.’ Roughly 150 Funko’s and 100 misc action figures. Started over 10 years ago and it somehow just kept growing 😅
#Adulting #toycollecting #FunkoPop #toys #dadLife
Here some of the #StarWars items in my office for #maythe4th. I love Star Wars ephemera.
#starwars #maythe4th #toycollector #toycollecting #toycollection
Hey Mastodon! Here some of the #StarWars toys in my office for #maythe4th!
#starwars #maythe4th #toycollector #toycollecting #toycollection
Some of my superhero toys. I'm more into other stuff, but you can't escape how cool some superheroes are.
#dcsuperpowers #batman #ToyCollectors #toycollecting #superman #secretwars
#dcsuperpowers #batman #toycollectors #toycollecting #superman #secretwars
Random toy share.
#StarWars #toycollector #toycollecting #vintagetoys #starwarstoys #ReturnoftheJedi
#starwars #toycollector #toycollecting #vintagetoys #starwarstoys #returnofthejedi
My non-Joe purchases from the toy show today! Max Ray from Centurions, Bulletproof Vess from Cops & Crooks, and Darkhawk for my hopeful New Warriors collection :) #actionfigures #ToyCollecting #ToyPhotography #MarvelLegends
#actionfigures #toycollecting #toyphotography #marvellegends
Progrise Key arrived in the mail today
My toy collection grows
#kamenrider #toycollecting
Looked at the other figures that Kenner put out in the #StarWars Power of the Force Deluxe assortment I'll probably pick up the Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, Imperial Storm Trooper and Probe Droid.
#starwars #toys #actionfigures #toycollecting #bobafett
I would love to get more Subscribers/Readers on my #WordPress #blog
Not much there just my sometimes daily logs mainly focused on keeping track of my #collecting hobby and thoughts which can be repetitive at times but with things as they are that's the way it is.
#wordpress #blog #Collecting #blogger #blogging #toycollecting
Finally the #JurassicPark Lost World Mobile Command Center has been added to this collection!
#jurassicpark #toys #nostalgia #toycollecting #actionfigures
Gotten enough already this first week of February, got about 26 Batman figures in after getting a few lots this month and now down to focusing entirely on getting the #JurassicPark Kenner Mobile Command Center Playset.
#toycollecting #collector #actionfgures #nostalgia
Gotta watch the JP Movies this weekend!
#jurassicpark #toycollecting #collector #actionfgures #nostalgia
Last of the recent #Batman figure pickups have arrived! Down to waiting on the Batman Forever Batcave Playset to finish off my batman collecting for now.
#toys #nostalgia #actionfigures #collecting #hobby #toycollecting #collector
#batman #toys #nostalgia #actionfigures #Collecting #hobby #toycollecting #collector
$75 Wolverine Vs $3.25 Wolverine 😎
#toycollecting #toyphotography #marvel #marvellegends #xmen
Wheeee I got mail!
#toycollecting #toycollector #toyphotography #actionfigures #marvel #deadpool #adulting
#toycollecting #toycollector #toyphotography #actionfigures #marvel #deadpool #Adulting
And while we're at it, here's my awesome #TMNT Last Ronin figure I got a while back and love dearly #Toys #ToyCollecting
Found this boy today! I really wanna know who's gonna play him in the movie. My number one choice is Christopher Daniel Barnes, (the 90s TAS Spidey voice actor) since the artstyle in the promotional stuff looks so 90s.
Excellent, snagged the two #StarWars Black Series Republic Commandos I wanted to get off Gamestop the other day before the Black Friday sales on sale.
I like it when patience pays off #toycollecting #actionfigures
Got 11 figures coming in between now and middle of next month so not looking at anything else for a while.
#starwars #toycollecting #actionfigures
I'm happy that I've finished up my #toycollecting objectives for this month and now I'm in my 3 week wait till anything else gets picked up.
I am going to Hibernate for the rest of the year at this point.
#toycollecting #blogging #wordpress #Collecting #toys #actionfigures
I'm pretty much out of room for anything else, a good reason to stop collecting.
My #collection Holy Grail is here the #GiJoe Defiant Shuttle Launch Complex!
#StarTrek #StarWars #Anime #Transformers #Gundam #toycollecting
#gijoe #startrek #starwars #anime #transformers #gundam #toycollecting #COLLECTION