Building a Hydraulic Lego Excavator Using Standard Pneumatic Cylinders - Everyone already knows that Lego Technic is pretty rad when it comes to existing, ... - #hydraulics #toyhacks #lego
A Bubble Machine Built from Scrap - Not every project has to be an AI-powered particle accelerator using lasers. Somet... - #bubblemachine #schoolproject #toyhacks #maker #diy
#diy #maker #toyhacks #schoolproject #bubblemachine
Making a Kid-Scale Apollo 11 Lunar Lander #lunarlander #apollo11 #toyhacks #model #prop
#lunarlander #apollo11 #toyhacks #model #prop
Making a Kid-Scale Apollo 11 Lunar Lander - If you’d like to see what goes into making a 1/3-scale Apollo 11 Lunar Module, [Pl... - #lunarlander #toyhacks #apollo11 #model #prop
#prop #model #apollo11 #toyhacks #lunarlander
What Does It Take For a LEGO Car To Roll Downhill Forever? - Cars (including LEGO ones) will roll downhill. In theory if the hill were a treadm... - #prototyping #treadmill #toyhacks #lego
#lego #toyhacks #treadmill #prototyping
A Nifty 3D Printed RC Car - Once upon a time, a remote controlled (RC) car was something you’d buy at Radio Sh... - #3dprinted #3dprinter #toyhacks #r/ccar
#r #toyhacks #3dprinter #3dprinted
3D-Printed RC Skid Steer Is Cute Construction Machinery Done Right - Skid steers are great fun if you get to drive one on a construction site. [Profess... - #radiocontrol #skidsteer #skidsteer #toyhacks
#toyhacks #skidsteer #radiocontrol
Hydroplaning Boat Skims Over Water - Regular hulled boats are all well and good for rowing and all, but if you wanna go... - #transportationhacks #hydroplane #toyhacks #boat
#boat #toyhacks #hydroplane #transportationhacks
Smart Sphere or Magnetic Magic - Sometimes a coworker sees something on your desk, and they have to ask, “Where can... - #linefollowingrobot #inductivecharger #wirelesshacks #linefollowing #linefollower #ballbearing #marblevator #desktoptoy #toyhacks #illusion #ballbot #how-to #bb-8 #bb
#bb #how #ballbot #illusion #toyhacks #desktoptoy #marblevator #ballbearing #linefollower #linefollowing #wirelesshacks #inductivecharger #linefollowingrobot
3D Printing LEGO-like Blocks - LEGO are perhaps the perfect children’s toy, at least until you step on the errant... - #3dprintingprofessor #interlocking #printablok #3dprinted #toyhacks #scalable #bricks #lego #toy
#toy #lego #bricks #scalable #toyhacks #3dprinted #printablok #interlocking #3dprintingprofessor
Op Amp Contest: Generate Spirograph Shapes Using Only Op Amps and Math - If you’re a child of the ’80s or ’90s, chances are you’ve spent hours tracing out ... - #hypotrochoid #epitrochoid #spirograph #toyhacks #mcp6004 #opamps #art
#art #opamps #mcp6004 #toyhacks #spirograph #epitrochoid #hypotrochoid
Gyroscope Walks The Tightrope - Gyroscopes are one of those physics phenomena that are a means to many ends, but c... - #balancingrobot #gyroscope #toyhacks #flywheel
#flywheel #toyhacks #gyroscope #balancingrobot
Remote-Controlled Hypercar Slices Through Air - Almost all entry-level physics courses, and even some well into a degree program, ... - #remotecontrolled #torquevectoring #aerodynamics #3dprinted #highspeed #toyhacks #vehicle #design #gforce #rc
#rc #gforce #design #vehicle #toyhacks #highspeed #3dprinted #aerodynamics #torquevectoring #remotecontrolled
We’ve Got A Saxaboom At Home Son - Most parents have heard a familiar story. Their lovely child comes up, having seen... - #3dprintedmusicalinstruments #musicalhacks #toyhacks #saxaboom #esp32
#esp32 #saxaboom #toyhacks #musicalhacks #3dprintedmusicalinstruments
Big Tactile Button Is Silly But Cool - Every hacker is familiar with those teeny little tactile buttons that are so enjoy... - #toyhacks #button #switch #parts #giant
#giant #parts #switch #button #toyhacks
Hackaday Prize 2023: Tiny RC Aircraft Built Using Foam and ESP12 - Once upon a time, a radio controlled plane was a hefty and complex thing. They req... - #2023hackadayprize #radiocontrolplane #thehackadayprize #motorcontroller #radiocontrol #toyhacks #rcplane #stem #rc
#rc #stem #rcplane #toyhacks #radiocontrol #motorcontroller #thehackadayprize #radiocontrolplane #2023hackadayprize
Rubik’s Cube Solver Does It In 4.56 Seconds - Solving Rubik’s Cubes is a learnable skill. However, to compete at the top level, ... - #roboticrubikscubesolver #rubikscubesolver #robotshacks #cubesolver #rubikscube #toyhacks
#toyhacks #rubikscube #cubesolver #robotshacks #rubikscubesolver #roboticrubikscubesolver
Magic 8 Ball Provides Tech Support - ChatGPT might be making the news these days for being able to answer basically any... - #microcontroller #accelerometer #classichacks #magic8-ball #techsupport #3dprinting #toyhacks #stm32 #oled
#oled #stm32 #toyhacks #3dprinting #techsupport #magic8 #classichacks #accelerometer #microcontroller
A LEGO Camera You Just Might Own Yourself - A camera makes for an interesting build for anyone, because it’s an extremely acce... - #35mmcamera #legocamera #toyhacks #lego
#lego #toyhacks #legocamera #35mmcamera
Working Artificial Horizon Built Into a Single Lego Brick - Back in the day, Lego spaceship sets used to come with these little wedge blocks p... - #artificialhorizon #toyhacks #rp2040 #lego
#lego #rp2040 #toyhacks #artificialhorizon