Convention Tuesdays: Toylanta / Brick Universe Memphis 2023
Welcome to the Convention Tuesdays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Convention Tuesdays will feature and highlight conventions happening during the upcoming
#ConventionTalkStuff #BrickUniverseMemphis #BrickUniverseMemphis2023 #Cons #ConventionCalendar #ConventionEvents #ConventionInformation #Conventions #ToyLanta #Toylanta2023
#conventiontalkstuff #brickuniversememphis #brickuniversememphis2023 #cons #conventioncalendar #conventionevents #conventioninformation #conventions #toylanta #toylanta2023
Next week, I'll be packaging action figures on Monday and Tuesday.
I'll be heading out to GA on Wednesday, and spending a week there. If you're going to #toylanta DM me.
When I get back, my focus will be:
- Add waypoint based navigation to my train in Outlaws on Mars
- Document my DOS hotsync tool
- 1 action figure per month
- build a better federated social network.