Flexible Multi-Model Assembly Line at Toyota
from the All About Lean blog by Christoph Roser. It is an excellent blog to add to your RSS imo.
"...Such a flexibility gives Toyota the ability to produce different models in almost any sequence. These lines were already common at Toyota around 1990..."
#management #Toyota #Toyota_Production_System #lean_thinking #lean
#management #toyota #toyota_production_system #lean_thinking #lean
How #Toyota Turns Workers Into Problem Solvers
The main difficulty is not a knowledge gap, but a performance gap. Most of what Toyota does has been published in numerous books (The Toyota Way, The Machine That Changed the World…) and articles. Reading that information is wise, but that is the easy part. The difficult part is actually managing more effectively...
#toyota #management #toyota_production_system #improvement
Japan Airlines using #Toyota_Production_System Principles
"The team carried out their project by encouraging personnel to take on challenges. The team discovered that staff needed to learn that making a mistake while acting proactively was not a problem. The problem lay in not attempting to do anything at all."
#toyota_production_system #management #continual_improvement #lean_thinking