Hi #tpac2023! Let me know if you want to chat about web platform documentation and @openwebdocs.
Hi #tpac2023 👋🏻!
If you're interested in talking about #webextensions, please say hello! Also, if you're interested in participating, please join our Matrix for coordination purposes:
Matrix room: #wecg:mozilla.org
Mozilla chat URL: https://chat.mozilla.org/index.html#/room/#wecg:mozilla.org
#tpac2023 #webextensions #wecg
Should we have a fediverse meetup at #tpac ? #w3c #w3ctpac #tpac2023 #w3ctpac2023
#w3ctpac2023 #tpac #w3c #w3ctpac #tpac2023
We are very proud to say that TetraLogical is sponsoring the W3C #TPAC2023 Inclusion Fund.
The Fund "aims to help remove barriers for people from a group that is under-represented in the web community, who are unable to attend TPAC without financial help, and who want to attend or contribute to TPAC in a meaningful way."