Dr. Phil · @bohemiaspielkunst
105 followers · 518 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

The most memorable character dismiss happened in my absence. In an early game of the GM trusted my character with a heavy, heavy machine gun with very, very limited ammunition. Of course, the character carried around the heavy thing all the time, but never used it. Then I decided to go on holidays and one of my friends took over the character for one session. - When I came back, I learned that my character caused a . How? 1/2

#rpgaday2023 #Degenesis #tpk

Last updated 1 year ago

AetherEgo · @AetherEgo
233 followers · 3189 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

13) Most memorable character DEMISE
Only one character? Ridiculous. Our epic campaign ended with a battle against the surviving Dancers for the Golden Calf. Yes, those in the Abrahamic books. After a good year of building up these antagonists, we didn't even roll the dice, they just went to battle unprepared.
20 years later I met a player, after greeting him, his first question was why did it end like that. It’s memorable enough for the rest of our lives!

#rpgaday2023 #vampirethemasquerade #tpk

Last updated 1 year ago

Mellando · @Mellando
36 followers · 197 posts · Server mastodon.pnpde.social

Das älteste das ich je gespielt habe dürfte wohl gewesen sein.
Die Runde war echt legendär, wir haben an einem der Aufbautage vom gespeilt und hatten vor beginn des eigentlichen Abenteuers nen

#pnp #dsa1 #conquestofmythodea #tpk #pnpde #rpgaday2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Bodo Heye · @HeyeBodo
287 followers · 2664 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

8) Favorite CHARACTER
Gisla, the necromancer I played in the campaign a few years ago. She was eaten by a monster during an epic was a likeable person, supportive to her friends, fun, but also neutral evil and she had very unique ideas of how to approach what was going on in Chuult. RIP Gisla ☺️
Honorable mention: Tengel, human fighter (), my first character PC in the late 1980s who took my hand in his mailed fist, opened the door to the hobby

#rpgaday2023 #tombofannihilation #tpk #midgard2e

Last updated 1 year ago

Abrahm · @Abekin
27 followers · 105 posts · Server dice.camp

Not only is this a new year for me in premade modules, but I had another first yesterday with Lost Mine: a Cragmaw Caverns ended up being too much when the party sprung a solo attack on Klarg (and his goblins and wolf!) while the others "circled around for a pincer attack" without scouting. Triggering the two floods and 4 more goblins. We wrapped up the adventure with the party waking up captured in the Caverns.

#tpk #dm #DnD

Last updated 1 year ago

Andreas D. · @theandi0815
6 followers · 46 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Just finished setting everything up, when the struck for a . No tonight!

#schedulingbeast #tpk #dnd

Last updated 1 year ago

En Términos de Juego · @enterminosdejuego
18 followers · 31 posts · Server mastorol.es

Cuando me eché a matar PJ con la OSR... Ehm, perdón, ¿puede borrar eso? Sí, sí, que no salga publicado, ¿eh? Gracias, gracias.

Decía que, cuando me eché a jugar a la OSR aprendí mucho sobre cuándo quería ir a degüello con los PJ y cuándo no. Entonces llevaba hasta un tablón con los nombres de los personajes y el número de sesiones que llevaban con vida. Nos reíamos bastante.

Que todo el mundo en mesa aceptara eventos como un era tan refrescante como liberador. Pasado el tiempo comprendí que la cuestión era el tipo de historia que quería contar.

Después de eso ya no hubo más problemas, resultó ser una cuestión de contrato social. También de ojo a la hora de escoger el sistema, no volví a tirar detrás de una pantalla nunca más.

Si dirigía , los jugadores aceptaban los resultados fatales.

Si dirigía Heroquest, se entendía que la historia primaba y que nadie iba a morir en una tirada aleatoria.

De hecho, HQ y ahora hablan de acordar este tipo de resultados con los jugadores, ya sea antes de la escena o en el momento si fuera dramáticamente apropiado.

De ahí que piense que hacer trampas con las tiradas (sea del lado que sea de la pantalla) es más una cuestión de falta de confianza, ya sea en los jugadores, en la persona que dirige o en el sistema.

Aunque luego os sorprendería ver la cantidad de jugadores que ADORAN que les mates el PJ en un momento clave.

#tpk #osr #questworlds

Last updated 1 year ago

The Animal and the Machine · @taatm
50 followers · 2227 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

@TSindelar I’ve been listening to you for years on . You have justifiable hang-ups about rope. You are at least very seasoned if not an expert.

You are awesome. Your choice but know that you are qualified.


Last updated 1 year ago

Das Abenteuer · @DasAbenteuer
728 followers · 965 posts · Server norden.social

@elminuto die anderen sind oft sehr lieb auch zu bösen mächtigen Wesen..... dabei hätte ich doch auch gern mal einen ;-)


Last updated 1 year ago

TimmyMac · @timmymac
167 followers · 66 posts · Server dice.camp

Come Monday morning, i log in to see dozens and dozens of gifs, all basically reflecting death and disaster. It looks like a

I start asking what happened, and people are like, "It was bad." And the GM promises to get the session notes posted ASAP. It takes him all day.

Finally he posts them, and they tell a horrible story of bad dice rolls and poor decisions and everything was 100% on brand for the group and the characters...


Last updated 1 year ago

Sumire · @Sumire
403 followers · 3264 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Und mein erster heute in .


Ja, eine Spielerin hat gefehlt. Aber das reguliert ja eigentlich auch die Stärke der Gegner nach unten. Nur war das bei genau der Endgegnerin kaum spürbar. Und eine wichtige Rolle hat der Gruppe halt gefehlt.

Mal schauen, was jetzt passiert. Eventuell kann die Spielerin alle noch cineastisch retten - die Endgegnerin war auch fast tot. Wir werden sehen. :D

#tpk #Hexxen1733 #pnpde #Rollenspielabend

Last updated 1 year ago

Laidback DM · @laidbackdm
666 followers · 164 posts · Server dice.camp
The Animal and the Machine · @taatm
24 followers · 1029 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

@UnconventionalEmma @HollyGoDarkly edited and I loved that! Also the rest of the players contributed a lot.


Last updated 1 year ago

Jan Malspöler · @malspoeler
8 followers · 25 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Wenn ihr in einem Alb namens Grendel begegnet und eine Jägergruppe nur aus drei Charakteren bestehen, dann LAUFT!!!!einself. Außer eure HeXXenmeisterin hat ihn auf die Gruppengröße angepasst. Die Anpassungen im Abenteuer selbst reichen nicht. Der ist absolut unschaffbar für ne ne normale Gruppe mit drei Jägern (zumindest auf Stufe 2, aber ich vermute auch höher). Zweiter in drei Spielabenden 😭

#Hexxen1733 #tpk #pnpde

Last updated 2 years ago

Lance Taylor 💾 · @lancetay
343 followers · 3050 posts · Server home.social

Almost one player remains. The other is in the river dousing Flames off his body.


Last updated 2 years ago

AetherEgo · @AetherEgo
158 followers · 2225 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

@Morgunin Hast Du mal das Original gespielt/geleitet? Ein Killer - mehrere Gruppen... .

Viva ...

#Ravenloft #tpk #leveldrain

Last updated 2 years ago

SoloRunStudio · @SoloRunStudio
102 followers · 257 posts · Server dice.camp
Judd · @Judd
1202 followers · 969 posts · Server dice.camp

Inspired by a conversation with @auguryignored and @e_eric about an essay worthy of Knock! titled, The Guilt-Free Total Party Kill.


#ttrpg #totalpartykill #tpk #dungeonsAndDragons

Last updated 2 years ago

Augury Ignored · @auguryignored
92 followers · 272 posts · Server dice.camp

New blog post up, inspired by an exchange with @Judd and @eric. The theme is "The Guilt-Free TPK". Nothing revolutionary, just musings to collect my thoughts on the subject and hopefully give some pointers to others.


#rpg #ttrpg #osr #totalpartykill #tpk #gamemastering

Last updated 2 years ago

Aleen · @aleen
1206 followers · 1580 posts · Server wandering.shop