@isaacfreeman don't forget selling out to foreign corporate interests, e.g. reneging on their campaign promise to reject the #TPPA/#CPTPPA. @rmi
@sidawson I'm trying to figure out how literally everyone with influence in gov't can be asleep at the wheel, and I marvel at the sheer gall of NZ National of pitching themselves as a 'safe pair of hands'. They're all fucking numpties. Sadly, Labour are only slightly less rubbish. The Greens (who always opposed #TPPA on principle!) & perhaps TPM are the only parties who have their priorities right...
@sidawson @heyrochelle and if you're not familiar with #ISDS (Investor State Dispute Settlements) they're are a core part of the #TPPA/#CPTPPA allowing multinational corporations to sue sovereign gov'ts in *secret, extra-jurisdictional* courts, with all proceedings keep secret on pain of forfeit, where the judge & lawyers are all on corporate retainers. The system is entirely rigged against democracies.
If you're voting in Rotorua, remember that Todd McClay was National's booster for the #TPPA & #CPTPPA after Tim Groser scarpered. He was actively working against NZers' interests- details: https://davelane.nz/tppa (my Select Committee presentation). Similarly, Labour's David Parker is a traitor to NZers by cheerleading for this (not-at-all)#FreeTradeAgreement - that support demonstrates their incredibly poor judgement & that of their gormless parties for believing it.
Meet the suburban lawyer who helped democracy activist Chau Van Kham walk free from a Vietnamese prison https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-26/dan-phuong-nguyen-chau-van-kham-human-rights-vietnam-730/102646526 via @ABCaustralia #auslaw #auspol #Vietnam #humanrights (There has long been debate as to whether Vietnam should be a #TPP #TPPA member, given its record on human rights.)
#auslaw #auspol #vietnam #humanrights #tpp #tppa
No chance China will join Pacific trade pact in near term, Australia warns https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/15/no-chance-china-will-join-pacific-trade-pact-in-near-term-australia-warns The United Kingdom (geographically distant from the Asia-Pacific) looks like being accepted as the 12th member. #TPP #TPPA #trade #investment #IP #ISDS
#tpp #tppa #trade #investment #ip #isds
@rnzfans ugh - well that should be giving us all the heebie-jeebies, because Groser was a traitor to the people of NZ by supporting the secrecy and the terms of the #TPPA/#CPTPPA. If he's in favour, I'm in no doubt it's a dog of an agreement (and almost certainly not a 'Free' trade agreement for any valid definition of the word 'Free').
To folks aware of the #TPPA & its less-pronouceable alias #CPTPPA that I regularly cite as a real problem for the world & us here in Aotearoa NZ - the #InvestorStateDisputeServices (#ISDS) terms of the not-at-all #FreeTradeAgreement our gov't has signed us up to... this will help you understand how bad it is: https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=xW5dEtjMb-k or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW5dEtjMb-k #CorporateCoup @strypey @DrCuriosity This also explains our gov'ts *love* for #BigTech & snubbing domestic companies.
#tppa #cptppa #investorstatedisputeservices #isds #freetradeagreement #corporatecoup #bigtech
China pushes for Asia-Pacific trade agreement membership https://sc.mp/ondc?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=share_widget&utm_campaign=3224486 via @scmpnews #TPP #TPPA #trade #China
โWhen it comes to trade, distance matters. Not only will joining this bloc fail to replace trade we have lost with our closest neighbours, stretching supply chains makes a mockery of our climate commitments and will undercut environmental and food standards in the UK,โ Caroline Lucas, Greens parliamentarian, said about the UK joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/31/business/uk-joins-cptpp-trade-agreement-intl-hnk/index.html #trade #climate #TPP #TPPA #Ukpol #Brexit
#trade #climate #tpp #tppa #ukpol #brexit
Even though it is not anywhere near Asia or the Pacific, the UK has decided to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2023-03-31/uk-to-join-trans-pacific-partnership-trade-bloc (If only there was a nearby trade bloc - close in proximity - which the United Kingdom could join...). #TPP #TPPA #Brexit #EU #trade #ISDS
#tpp #tppa #brexit #eu #trade #isds
UK joins Asia-Pacific Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bloc that includes Japan and Australia https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/mar/31/uk-joins-asia-pacific-cptpp-trade-bloc-that-includes-japan-and-australia For the story of the origin and evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, see my book (available in bespoke libraries) https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/the-trans-pacific-partnership-9781788973311.html #trade #TPP #TPPA #ukpol
โTake back controlโ? With this Pacific trade deal, Brexit Britain has just signed it away | Nick Dearden https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/31/pacific-trade-deal-brexit-britain-food-standards-economic-benefit #TPP #TPPA #trade #Brexit #ISDS
#tpp #tppa #trade #brexit #isds
> Labelling the #TPPA (always #TPP if you ask 'the establishment')
That seems backwards to me, but a quick web search suggests you're right. ๐คทโโ๏ธ
For those who don't understand why the #TPPA, & its ugly bastard clone, the #CPTPPA, are actively working against *our* best interest as a sovereign nation, I explained it to the select committee in 2016: https://davelane.nz/tppa-select-committee-presentation (made up of https://davelane.nz/tppa-select-committee) and again in 2018: https://davelane.nz/tppa-select-committee-redux-2018-edition Their steadfast refusal to accept that they've effectively gifted our national sovereignty to foreign corporations should make all of us livid.
Kishida makes overture to US about return to the Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP https://asianews.network/kishida-makes-overture-to-us-about-return-to-tpp/ #TPP #TPPA #trade
@sarah4ilam to be clear, I only voted for Labour (note, I'd never vote for National - I have too much love for democracy) because of their rather loud anti-#TPPA stance. @heyrochelle
@ByronCinNZ indeed. It also leads to a small number of massive wealth & power concentrations which can be used to sweep aside all opposition by manipulating gov't policy and other market distortions. See the #TPPA as a great example (not sure what I mean, see: https://davelane.nz/tppa-select-committee-redux-2018-edition as well as the link it contains to my previous select committee presentation) @doctormo