nice thing - will definitely have a look on it. thanks for sharing.
use those progress bars everywhere when needed with #tqdm I like them a lot, too :)
@folkerschamel @birnim Yes in such cases the ETA estimation is useless, sure. But take #tqdm or #pythonRich for example. Both just try their best at estimating an eta while iterating over a sequence (or more complex structure). If ETA it's wrong, okay. But it's a huge difference between knowing if there's 10000 steps or 100 needed. Any kind of progress display is better than none. Unfortunately you can't even query SCons reliably while it's running how many steps are left... No watching wc -l...
Have I mentioned how much I love the python module TQDM?
Is there a good way to use #tqdm to just display a one-off bar with a specific value and not keep the object "alive" for updating progress?
Is there a good way to use #tqdm to just display a one-off bar with a specific value and not keep the object "alive" for updating progress?
Instead of
for i in tqdm(range(N)):
to get a progress bar while iterating from 0 to N-1, you can use a shortcut `trange`
from tqdm import trange
for i in trange(N):