I won't miss 2022.
Some awesome things have happened this year. Derby #TR26, seeing the announcement trailer for #AoD #PathOfTheBlackAlchemist on the big screen, and reuniting with friends I hadn't seen for years was a huge high point.
It's also brought unfathomable grief and extreme stress to the whole family.
Overall, I'll be relieved to put this roller-coaster of a year to bed and focus on #Writing and healing.
Wishing peace, joy, and inspiration to everyone who sees this #NewYear 🎉❤️🎉
#tr26 #aod #pathoftheblackalchemist #writing #newyear
nother difficult year but I want to remember 2022 for all the wonderful things that happened. Went on a family holiday back to #cullen where I of course had to bring a #laracroft costume and did a shoot at the amazing #fyviecastle ! I got to meet Lara herself Jonell Elliott, Eric Loren (voice of #KurtisTrent in #tombraidertheangelofdarkness), the Core Design team and lots of fellow #tombraider fans at the #tr26 in #derby ! Did three other new #cosplay and finally got to work with Carl Dobson , Peter Starkey and his son Blake on the #athena2pathtoeden concept trailer! Lots of great memories and more to make in 2023! Happy New Year, everyone! #newyear #newyear2023
#cullen #laracroft #fyviecastle #kurtistrent #tombraidertheangelofdarkness #tombraider #tr26 #derby #cosplay #athena2pathtoeden #newyear #newyear2023
Memories from the #TR26 event in Derby last month with amazing people! #tombraidertheangelofdarkness #laracroft #tombraider #tombraidercosplay #laracroftcosplay
#tr26 #tombraidertheangelofdarkness #laracroft #tombraider #tombraidercosplay #laracroftcosplay
Our lovely anon dropped us a present for #TR26!
Castle Kriegler and Cappadocia from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
More The Angel of Darkness goodies:
My talk at #TR26 event on Prevervation of #TombRaider , gayming, Lara Croft being an lgbt icon and content creation. ❤️