I've been working on some #tracery bots, and I have two theorems relating to sentence generation:
1. Leaf nodes are where the most fun work is. Finding the right specific details or deep cut references is enjoyable.
2. Having a lot of variation of sentence form early in the tree is how you inject freshness into the results. Sadly, getting that right is less fun. (Though not entirely *un*fun.)
Are you interested in making your own creative bots, but feel put off by concepts like "access token", "Python", or "AWS bill"?
Dip your feet into creative botmaking with Dr Kate Compton's #tracery and CBTS!
- https://botwiki.org/bot/?tags=cheapbotstootsweet
- https://botwiki.org/resources/tracery
#tracery #bots #creativebots #creativecoding
Interested in learning more about #CreativeBots and make your own? https://cheapbotstootsweet.com is a great way to start!
Find tutorials, examples, and more on Botwiki:
- https://botwiki.org/bot/?networks=fediverse&tags=cheapbotstootsweet
- https://botwiki.org/resources/tracery
#creativebots #bots #creativecoding #tracery #generativeart
Does anyone know how to debug a cheapbotsdonequick.com bot? Asking for a fellow https://botmakers.org member.
#bots #cbdq #cheapbotsdonequick #tracery #botally
Anybody know if there's a way to get #Tracery to rotate through certain elements in order rather than pick them randomly? Failing that, can it do divide/modulo/whatever and select elements based on a sort of seed number? I'm looking to make something using #CheapBotsTootSweet.
Interested in making your own #CreativeBots, but find all the tutorials too technical?
With #tracery and Cheap Bots, Toot Sweet, you can get started in minutes. And Botwiki can help!
#creativebots #tracery #bots #creativecoding
It's inevitable that I will make a Mastodon bot of these. Random band name inspiration, three times daily.
I'm glad there's no novelty weighting in #tracery, otherwise the adjective wouldn't have repeated.
Finished a very last-minute #NaNoGenMo entry!
An Expanded Meditation: 50,000+ words of dubiously accurate whale definitions, inspired by Moby Dick. Made using #tracery.
Full output, code, & resources used are here: https://github.com/NaNoGenMo/2022/issues/51
#generativeart #procgen #tracery #nanogenmo
There's now a dedicated page on Botwiki for all things #tracery!
Anything we're missing?
My wizard generator now has a home on Mastodon! @wizard_roll_call
A little #procgen bot I made using #tracery to generate Jack Vance-inspired wizards.
the easiest way would be to use GalaxyKate's #Tracery tool. Then you could combine that with a branching narrative tool like #Yarnspinner.
Stories can also emerge from systems and some good references for that are Crusader Kings, Blaseball, Dwarf Fortress, and Shadow of Mordor.
Neural networks are another solution ie, "AI Dungeon" but they produce completely unpredictable behavior.
This article is also informative:
yes, it is computing the successor function on arbitrarily large numbers and yes, it is doing modular arithmetic by pushing and popping over active #tracery variables
this is more of a #tracery stunt than intended to be entertaining on feeds, but #NewBot #BotAlly @botwikidotorg@twitter.com
RT @FizzBuzz_Bot@twitter.com
24828893137 24828893138 Fizz Buzz 24828893141 Fizz 24828893143 24828893144 FizzBuzz 24828893146 24828893147 Fizz 24828893149 Buzz Fizz 24828893152 24828893153 Fizz Buzz 24828893156 Fizz 24828893158 24828893159 FizzBuzz
π¦π: https://twitter.com/FizzBuzz_Bot/status/1343791797395484673
suddenly i want to do fizzbuzz in #tracery
RT @nattarnoff@twitter.com
I've been challenged to do FizzBuzz in any language I like on interviews. I've always chosen CSS because it proves people wrong about it being a programming language, and it's what I'm most comfortable in. https://twitter.com/SaraSoueidan/status/1334796914831855617
π¦π: https://twitter.com/nattarnoff/status/1334972516218101763
Revisited @DadaistTwit@twitter.com's code to reuse its #Tracery Fisher-Yates shuffle in @Truchet_Nested@twitter.com and whooooops, those probabilities were not correct!
So strictly speaking I could do this with the same Markov chain recursion that #CheapMarkovsTracedQuick uses, but here I've used #Tracery switches that make each number output and up/down shift an independent event
#cheapmarkovstracedquick #tracery