Announcing: Observability SDKs for WebAssembly
#ycombinator #observability #metrics #logs #tracing #webassembly #wasm #instrumentation #telemetry
#ycombinator #observability #metrics #logs #tracing #webassembly #wasm #instrumentation #telemetry
@Billius27 @harriettmb Grateful for comprehensive manifesto by #healthcare workers. I liked the part about “multi-layered protections. That’s a useful phrase. People take #ventilation and #vaccination for granted, ignoring #testing and #tracing. I was unfamiliar with the term #nosocomial, but not the concept. Members of my circle of friends, family working in healthcare note patients’ vulnerability to #airborne disease. Elder friends awaiting care in ERs contracted Covid-19.
#healthcare #ventilation #vaccination #testing #tracing #nosocomial #airborne
#Tracing avec #Opentelemetry: pourquoi c'est le futur (et pourquoi ça remplacera les logs)
#tracing #opentelemetry #distributedtracing
#Tracing Cybercrime: networking event { CYBER : Crime || Security || Society } on 12/13-09. in @Stadt_Halle on secure #future in #cyberspace. Registrations for the interdisciplinary meeting.
#SocietalResilience #CyberCrimeResearch
#tracing #future #cyberspace #societalresilience #cybercrimeresearch
#Tracing Cybercrime: networking event { CYBER : Crime || Security || Society } on 12/13-09. in @Stadt_Halle on secure #future in #cyberspace. Registrations for the interdisciplinary meeting.
#SocietalResilience #CyberCrimeResearch
#tracing #future #cyberspace #societalresilience #cybercrimeresearch
Effectiveness of #testing, #contact #tracing and #isolation interventions among the general population on reducing #transmission of #SARS-CoV-2: a systematic review #research #science #pandemic #preparedness
#testing #Contact #tracing #isolation #transmission #sars #research #Science #pandemic #preparedness
Working on my tmux helper tm and (again) noticing how *hard* an actually useful logging is.
I mean, the #Rust #tracing lib makes it easy in terms of different output, formats, following the flow of the program (if used right), but deciding what's a span, where to output variables (and which) is work.
I think #tracing has its issues wrt implementation but I'm getting tired of the "tracing is useless unless your system is end-to-end instrumented" argument hi, APM, aka observing a single application, is massively helpful
but there seems to be an industry-wide disconnect here
Japan to Apply Tougher Crypto AML Regulations, ‘Travel Rule’ in June - Stricter anti-money laundering (AML) measures for the crypto sector in Japan will ... - #moneylaundering #requirements #enforcement #legislation #regulations #regulation #travelrule #standards #japanese #measures #tracking #tracing #japan #rules #fatf #laws #aml
#aml #laws #fatf #rules #japan #tracing #tracking #measures #japanese #standards #travelrule #regulation #regulations #legislation #enforcement #requirements #moneylaundering
Hey 👋 ! Are you using #SpringBoot with #MicrometerIO #tracing and you don't see any spans in your #observability backend 🤔 ? Most likely that's because your spans didn't get sampled! For development, to enable 💯 % sampling set <management.tracing.sampling.probability=1.0> ! Check the docs for more information
#springboot #micrometerio #tracing #observability
Did you know you can use
Observation API to instrument your code ONCE and get such outcomes as #tracing, #metrics etc. ? Read more about #MicrometerIO observation in our docs
#micrometerio #tracing #metrics
EU Parliament Greenlights Markets in Crypto Assets Law, Tracing Rules - Members of the European Parliament gave their final approval to a package of EU-wi... - #europeanparliament #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #europeanunion #cryptoassets #euparliament #transactions #legislation #regulation #parliament #travelrule #lawmakers #transfers #tracing #crypto #mica #vote #law #eu
#eu #law #vote #mica #crypto #tracing #transfers #lawmakers #travelrule #parliament #regulation #legislation #transactions #euparliament #cryptoassets #europeanunion #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #europeanparliament
@Ardor Das ist #Tracing - #DNA und eine bekannte Methode, um #Ladenräuber, #Kabeldiebe und deren Diebesgut zu identifizieren...
Das gibt's seit knapp 10 Jahren als Fertiglösungen zu kaufen...
#Kabeldiebe #ladenrauber #dna #tracing
Die auch von Netz- und Datenschutzaktivist*innen vielgepriesene "CWA" war von der Regierung ursprünglich als zentralisierte, verpflichtende Tracking-App entwickelt worden (es wurden sogar CWA-Armbänder entwickelt), die einen sozialen Graphen der gesamten Bevölkerung hätte erstellen können.
Das scheiterte nur, weil Google und Apple in Android und iOS die dezentrale Technik integrierten und die Bundesregierung dann auf das dezentrale Tracing umsteigen musste.
Die CWA, wie wir sie heute kennen, war dann als Tracing-App zwar datenschutzfreundlicher. Aber was viele Leute aus der darüber begeisterten Datenschutz-Bubble nicht im Blick hatten war das, was sich "Function Creep" nennt. Erst wurde eine Infrastruktur aufgebaut und dann kamen und kommen immer wieder neue Funktionen hinzu und aus der Tracing-App wurde ein digitaler Impfnachweis, der dann auch die Deanonymisierung ermöglicht, wie @netzpolitik_feed mal berichtet hat.
Ach und dann gabs ja noch die "LUCA"-App, bei der sofort die Polizei in einigen Fällen wie z.B. in Mainz auf die Daten zugegriffen hat.
#Tracking #coronaWarnApp #lucaApp #Bundesregierung #Überwachung #SozialeKontrolle #COVID19 #Digitalisierung #Tracing
#tracking #CoronaWarnApp #lucaapp #bundesregierung #Uberwachung #sozialeKontrolle #COVID19 #digitalisierung #tracing
RT @luisavlopes
If this is confirmed, many studies have to be revisited. #camkii #virus #tracing
#WebPerf #Tracing showed >100ms of blocking time to TTFB with at scale & observed over long periods.
Replacing it with yielded huge improvements in TTFB (~75% at 75th Percentile) plus big CPU cycle reduction.
If you're using Apollo #GraphQL client in your stack & struggle with slow responses, consider switching.
#Population-based #SARS-CoV-2 #WGS and contact #tracing during the #COVID19 pandemic in #Switzerland
#population #sars #WGS #tracing #COVID19 #switzerland