It soothed me to make these, for no reason other than the joy of making.
Origami butterflies, all designs by Michael LaFosse.
Folded mostly with washi papers.
#butterfly #butterflies #origami #origamiButterfly #LaFosse #MichaelLaFosse #Joy #JoyOfMaking #Washi #Mulberry #TracingPaper #WashiPaper
#butterfly #butterflies #origami #origamibutterfly #lafosse #michaellafosse #joy #joyofmaking #washi #mulberry #tracingpaper #washipaper
Not all origami starts with a square of paper.
These spiral forms (based on Tomoko Fuse designs) are drawn in InkScape.
I print and join pieces to get an A2 size template.
Cut the form from A2 tracing paper. 'Trace' the lines with a pressing tool (e.g. dry pen nib).
Fold, to get the finished form. In this case, it's about 25cm tall.
#origami #PaperFolding #TomokoFuse #geometric #Spiral #SpiralArt #Inkscape #CutOut #TracingPaper #PaperArt
#origami #paperfolding #tomokofuse #geometric #spiral #spiralart #inkscape #cutout #tracingpaper #paperart