Mit knapp 12km heute den langen (Um)Weg zum Feierabend genommen.
Aufgrund suboptimaler Straßenbeläge unangenehm langsam für mein #fixie. Da ist dann schnell Sattel doof, Lenker doof, hoher Reifendruck doof.
Ne ehrlich, die Straßenbeläge sind so verflickt, geht ja garnicht für eine Autostadt wie Dresden. :blobcatpeekaboo:
Bin ich froh auf meinen üblichen 5km gut ballern zu können.
Naja, zum Abschluss noch ne halbe Meile seichtes Gravel / #Tracklocross. :ablobcatbongo:
New bike day! I've been working on it since February, and learned a lot about bike building. I can't believe it's almost complete!
#NBD #FixedGear #BikeTooter #SkreamBikes #tracklocross #SingleSpeed
#singlespeed #tracklocross #skreambikes #biketooter #fixedgear #nbd
Rain and traffic have been taking a toll on the road. Believe it or not, this is one of the smoothest sections.
I can generally find a clean line across any section but that's becoming increasingly difficult. There are some unavoidable washboard sections that have to be traversed; then I hold on tight and try not to get vibrated off the bike.
I like to think this road is making me a stronger and more capable rider.
Gravelking SKs continue to impress me.
New bars day! 🚴
The dirt road leading into the village has been getting pretty gnarly, especially after the recent rains. I wondered if a wider carbon bar might give me a bit of vibration dampening and more control.
Found a secondhand pair going for a good price on Christmas eve. I really wanted them to feel great but was skeptical.
Turns out...they're amazing! Super fun and surprisingly comfortable. Slowly inching my way to my dream #tracklocross build.
#fixedgear #theTrail #tracklocross
Clips for Christmas and a sloppy half-century on fixed. #fixedgear #tracklocross #gravelcycling
#gravelcycling #tracklocross #fixedgear
#tracklocross :ablobcatbongo: :ablobcatrave: :ablobcatbongo: :ablobcatrave: :ablobcatbongo: :ablobcatrave:
Now that I know more about how mastodon works I’m going to do a real #introduction post.
I’m stevie. I’m a #queer #transit #organizer living in #Columbus #Ohio. I hope to find and learn from other #leftists and folks interested in #urbanism #mutualaid #climate #environmentaljustice #affordablehousing #sustainability #abolition #antiracism #landuse and adjacent spaces.
Other interests: #bikes #freakbikes #cooking #film #fixedgear #tracklocross #gardening #shitposting #tacticalurbanism (1/2)
#tacticalurbanism #shitposting #gardening #tracklocross #fixedgear #film #cooking #freakbikes #bikes #landuse #antiracism #abolition #sustainability #affordablehousing #environmentaljustice #climate #mutualaid #urbanism #leftists #ohio #columbus #organizer #transit #queer #introduction
I'm sure how many fixed gear riders know about this site but it has some great info if you're interested in tracklocross (or just generally riding your bike off road).
I've found the articles on gear ratio and tyre choice particularly helpful.
#tracklocross #fixedgear #theTrail