From Tracks to Build to: #SXSW. Merging model-building with DJing (and lighting). People built models of their first memory of sound and then worked in groups to build models of their dream nightclub in an unlikely place. Lots of plants, clouds, animals, and a kind of softness to the clubs figured in the mix.
#trackstobuildto #dreamplaybuild #communityengagement #urbanism #cityplanning #housemusic #nightlife
#nightlife #housemusic #cityplanning #urbanism #communityengagement #dreamplaybuild #trackstobuildto #sxsw
DJ set 2 from Tracks to Build to: #SXSW. This one I crafted around the prompt of building your dream club in an unlikely place. As cities become increasingly expensive and underground clubs become harder to run / keep afloat, how can we rethink the club space itself? You may use this for the soundtrack to your own model-building endeavors or any creative endeavor you want to sink into:
Link to set:
#urbanism #trackstobuildto #dreamplaybuild #communityenggement
#communityenggement #dreamplaybuild #trackstobuildto #urbanism #sxsw
From our Tracks to Build to event at #SXSW, where we merged DJing with model-building and people built models of their first memory of sound and then their ideal nightclub in an unlikely place.
#dreamplaybuild #communityengagement #nightlife #housemusic #techno #urbanism #urbanplanning #trackstobuildto
#trackstobuildto #urbanplanning #urbanism #techno #housemusic #nightlife #communityengagement #dreamplaybuild #sxsw