after a heavy hot weather, rainy today #bloomscrolling #mandevilla #garden #flowers #oxalistriangularis #TradescantiaZebrina #PurpleBasil
#purplebasil #tradescantiazebrina #oxalistriangularis #flowers #garden #mandevilla #bloomscrolling
No writing this morning, but I did see a friend, do a load of laundry, and pot up some more #tradescantiazebrina to give away.
Huzzah, my work week is over! I'm going to a concert tonight (early music). I was planning on taking a few small houseplants to the local Really Free Market on Saturday, but it got postponed due to the weather forecast. I guess these little #pothos and #tradescantiazebrina will have little more time to get established in their giveaway pots.