I've escaped! This week I will be in Bournemouth for the #TucDisabledWorkers conference. Looking forward to meeting fellow #TradeUnionists from PCS and others across the TUC from tomorrow. But first, pizza! 🍕
#tradeunionists #tucdisabledworkers
@Nocta Here's a little history: in 1916, left-wing politics was devastated: important #tradeunionists and leftists like #JamesConnolly, #ConstanceMarkievicz, #FrankSheehySeffington, #RichardOCarroll, #PeadarMacken #HelenaMolony and #BillPartridge were killed (Connolly, O'Carroll, Macken, Sheehy Skeffington outright, Patridge as a result of Bright's Disease made worse by imprisonment) or crushed by imprisonment etc like Markievicz and Molony 1/2
#tradeunionists #jamesconnolly #constancemarkievicz #franksheehyseffington #richardocarroll #peadarmacken #helenamolony #billpartridge
This is a pretty useful read for #tradeUnionists on the case against #layoffs… it’s pretty bleak on the physical and mental ill health, and long term damage to careers and earnings (so far, so predictable to anyone who’s ever negotiated a #redundancy exercise), but also does a nice job on harms to the business, which might be the argument you need to get an employer to slow down and talk to #tradeUnion reps:
#tradeunionists #layoffs #redundancy #tradeunion
This line from civil rights activist and #tradeUnionist A. Philip Randolph still feels electric today. A reminder of the great things the labour movement has contributed to, but also a stern reminder to #tradeUnionists today: we are inclusive, or we are nothing at all.❤️
(It was meant to be Day 1 of my #Inkvent calendar, but that’s stranded at the Exeter sorting office due to the Royal Mail strike, so receive this in #solidarity with the #CWU #SaveOurPostalService strikers!)
#tradeUnion #Advent
#tradeunionist #tradeunionists #inkvent #solidarity #CWU #SaveOurPostalService #tradeunion #advent
@tradeunion Thank you @tim - this is a delight to see!
Greetings to #tradeUnionists everywhere - especially my fellow tech nerds ✊
Who is Who in Kenya 1982-1983 by Mutuku Nzioki; J.M. Ng'ang'a; R. G. Opondo; Talat Dar; M.B. Dar; Josaphat O. Mithiga; David M. Mbiti
#Kenya, #Kenyansociety, #Kenyanelite, #neocolonialism, #neocolonialists, #compradorbourgeoisie, #pettybourgeoisie, #KANU, #KenyaAfricanNationalUnion, #Kenyanpolitics, #politicsofKenya, #Kenyangovernment, #governmentofKenya, #educationinKenya, #Kenyaneducation, #universitiesinKenya, #Kenyanuniversities, #accountancy, #accountants, #auditing, #auditors, #architecture, #architects, #surveyors, #engineers, #engineering, #journalists, #Kenyanlaw, #lawinKenya, #Kenyanlawyers, #Kenyanlegalsystem, #librarians, #archivist, #LIS, #libraryandinformationscience, #Kenyanmuseums, #museumsinKenya, #Kenyanlibraries, #Kenyanarchives, #medicineinKenya, #Kenyanmedicine, #veterinarians, #Kenyancapitalists, #capitalisminKenya, #capitalists, #tradeunions, #tradeunionists, #Kenyanreligions, #religioninKenya, #Kenyanbourgeoisie
Nairobi: Africa Book Services (E.A.) Ltd.
#kenya #Kenyansociety #Kenyanelite #neocolonialism #neocolonialists #compradorbourgeoisie #pettybourgeoisie #Kanu #KenyaAfricanNationalUnion #Kenyanpolitics #politicsofKenya #Kenyangovernment #governmentofKenya #educationinKenya #Kenyaneducation #universitiesinKenya #Kenyanuniversities #accountancy #accountants #auditing #auditors #architecture #architects #surveyors #engineers #engineering #journalists #Kenyanlaw #lawinKenya #Kenyanlawyers #Kenyanlegalsystem #librarians #archivist #lis #libraryandinformationscience #Kenyanmuseums #museumsinKenya #Kenyanlibraries #Kenyanarchives #medicineinKenya #Kenyanmedicine #veterinarians #Kenyancapitalists #capitalisminKenya #capitalists #Tradeunions #tradeunionists #Kenyanreligions #religioninKenya #Kenyanbourgeoisie