An absolutely gorgeous book arrived today. Thanks to all of you who helped me get my hands on a copy 🙏 ♥️
#Pokémon reimagined by 20 leading artists of contemporary Japanese kogei.
Learn more about it here in the library:
#PokémonXKogei #Pokemon #PokemonMasters #PokemonGo #KogeiArtistry #PokemonArt #TraditionalCrafts #PokemonCollectibles #KogeiCreativity #GottaCatchEmAll #ArtistryInCrafts #PokemonFans #Craftsmanship #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon
#bookstodon #Books #book #craftsmanship #pokemonfans #artistryincrafts #gottacatchemall #kogeicreativity #pokemoncollectibles #traditionalcrafts #pokemonart #kogeiartistry #PokemonGo #pokemonmasters #pokemonxkogei #Pokemon
Slides into the art server to post some fibre art.
#knitting #lace #laceknitting #traditionalcrafts #fibreart
#fibreart #traditionalcrafts #laceknitting #lace #knitting
My #Wsanec friend's #handmade #handwoven #cedar #bark #roses in a glass vase with her #handweaved cedar bark vase covering.
#CoastSalish #NativeArt #NativeWeaving #handicrafts #BarkWeaving #IndigenousArt #SalishCulture #FirstNationsArt #FirstNationsWeaving #weaving #TraditionalCrafts #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #LekwungenTerritory #VancouverIsland #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #TurtleIsland
#wsanec #handmade #handwoven #cedar #bark #roses #handweaved #coastsalish #nativeart #nativeweaving #Handicrafts #barkweaving #Indigenousart #salishculture #firstnationsart #firstnationsweaving #weaving #traditionalcrafts #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #lekwungenterritory #vancouverisland #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #turtleisland
One of the more obscure #antiquetools that I have (and use) is called a Cooper's plane.
A Cooper makes wooden casks, barrels, buckets, tubs, etc out of wooden staves.
A Cooper's plane is used to shave long pieces of wood flat so they can be joined to another piece. It has a hole near the end so it can be leaned against a wall or workbench.
The last picture shows my Cooper's plane with a few of my other planes for reference.
#antiquetools #woodworking #traditionalcrafts
One of the more obscure #antiquetools that I have (and use) is called a Cooper's plane.
A Cooper makes wooden casks, barrels, buckets, tubs, etc out of wooden staves.
A Cooper's plane is used to shave long pieces of wood flat so they can be joined to another piece. It has a hole near the end so it can be leaned against a wall or workbench.
The last picture shows my Cooper's plane with a few of my other planes for reference.
#antiquetools #traditionalcrafts
One of the most enjoyable #traditionalcrafts projects that I've done so far has been a #missionstyle mirror that I made while in class at the Chippendale International School of Furniture.
This project incorporated verre eglomise, #gilding, and letter #carving and pushed me further than any other project has so far.
#verreeglomise #lettercarving #TraditionalArt #traditionalwoodworking #artsandcrafts #macintoshrose
#traditionalcrafts #missionstyle #gilding #carving #verreeglomise #lettercarving #TraditionalArt #traditionalwoodworking #artsandcrafts #macintoshrose
I've also started taking the advice of other woodworkers and I pick my battles more wisely.
If a face will not be seen, it gets less attention from me than visible faces. I actually learned this from studying many antiques and how they were made. Peter Follansbee has also been an inspiration and I've learned quite a lot from his videos and website.
#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #traditionalhandtools
#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #traditionalhandtools
That is a beautiful piece of hardware. It looks a lot like the Veritas router, but the adjuster is a lot more robust.
#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #handtools
My latest workbench is in sad shape, but it's stable and fairly flat and that's all I need for 90% of my work.
Maybe I'll flatten it and make it pretty this next year.
Great work on your benchtop! Looks like it will be a real workhorse.
My scrub doesn't get used often, but when I need it, it's priceless. What are you using for a scrub plane?
#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #woodworkingtools #traditionalhandtools #handtools
#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #woodworkingtools #traditionalhandtools #handtools
I'm slowly bringing my family and friends over to the light. My better half is a #crafter and an #artist
#crafters #craftersofmastodon #artistsonmastodon #handcrafted #traditionalcrafts
#crafter #artist #crafters #craftersofmastodon #artistsonmastodon #handcrafted #traditionalcrafts
4/4 Our last move before going to Scotland was to a 750-square-foot apartment, so my workshop became the kitchen/dining area. It was here that I learned the most about working within some serious constraints.
I was able to use the back of my truck and an oak stump as my bench when the weather was ok. Otherwise, it was the kitchen.
#missionstylefurniture #traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #traditionalfurnituremaking
Excellent video and I think I'll be using this on a few of my upcoming projects. I don't usually work with odd-shaped pieces like that but I have some restorations coming up that I think this will work on.
#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #luthier #handwerkskunst
#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #luthier #handwerkskunst
My most recent project was a #antiquefurniturerestoration of a piece of #victorianfurniture (a slant top secretaire).
When I started, I thought it would be a pretty straightforward restore and I'd have it finished in no time. That idea went out the window as soon as I started taking the piece apart.
I ended up doing some pretty major repairs, replaced all of the hardware, and then color-matched all of the repairs.
#antiquefurniturerestoration #victorianfurniture #traditionalwoodworking #crafters #traditionalcrafts
A bit confused by all this but here goes! I post about #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology #heritageeducation #traditionalcrafts #hedgebothering and ok, #tea and #cats occasionally.
Currently finishing an experimental archaeology MSc at #exeteruni.
Err, that'll do for now, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it sometime soon.
#archaeology #experimentalarchaeology #heritageeducation #traditionalcrafts #hedgebothering #tea #cats #exeteruni