Some German content for a change! Watched this documentary last night and thought it's well worth sharing. Interested to hear your thoughts!
"Welche Antworten hat die Kunst auf den fragilen Zustand der Welt? Sie warnt, sie rüttelt auf und sucht nach Lösungen."
#german #documentary #DWDocumentary #dw #deutschewelle #climate #climatebreakdown #deforestation #amazon #habitatdestruction #artists #nature #indigenous #knowledge #traditionalknowledge #tek #traditionalecologicalknowledge
I took part last weekend in this #TuleCanoe launch, put together by the Alliance for Felix Cove (mission: to "protect the only remaining Tamal Húye (Coast Miwok) built home on ancestral homelands"). 100% sustainable canoe, made from #tulegrass ! #LandBack #ClimateJustice #IndigenousSovereignty #TraditionalEcologicalKnowledge
#tulecanoe #tulegrass #Landback #climatejustice #indigenoussovereignty #traditionalecologicalknowledge