Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
226 followers · 1016 posts · Server

4/4 Our last move before going to Scotland was to a 750-square-foot apartment, so my workshop became the kitchen/dining area. It was here that I learned the most about working within some serious constraints.

I was able to use the back of my truck and an oak stump as my bench when the weather was ok. Otherwise, it was the kitchen.

#missionstylefurniture #traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #traditionalfurnituremaking

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
12 followers · 29 posts · Server

I'm slowly bringing some of my Instagram posts over. I never really used FB or the little birdy and almost all of my Instagram posts are related to my furniture making, antique furniture restoration, and woodworking so my posts will mostly consist of my projects. I am also learning to weave so there will probably be some of that in here as well.

#woodworking #traditionalwoodworking #traditionalfurnituremaking #traditionalfurniturerestoration #antiquefurniturerestoration

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
12 followers · 29 posts · Server

One of my first furniture builds was a Mission Style Prairie Settle. I had just begun to sell of my power tools and go unplugged when I started this project so the only power tool used was the bandsaw.

#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalfurnituremaking #furnituremaking #missionstylefurniture #missionstyle

Last updated 2 years ago