Outdoor Service Guides (formerly known as the Baden-Powell Service Association) believes that scouting is for everyBODY, including adults of all gender identities! If you live in the St. Louis area and are interested in community/environmental service and nature outings, join us! #BPSA #OSG #OutdoorServiceGuides #TraditionalScouting #InclusiveScouting #Rovers #Rovering #CommunityService #Outdoors
#bpsa #osg #outdoorserviceguides #traditionalscouting #inclusivescouting #rovers #rovering #CommunityService #outdoors
I'm also a Rover Scout, both by land and by sea. Most of what we do is based on the original UK programs. Not sure who I'll find here, but say hello if you're a fellow Rover.
#roverscouts #traditionalscouting