Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
324 followers · 1660 posts · Server

1/3 One of my current projects is a small elm stand that was in bad shape.

The first thing I noticed when the customer asked me if I could restore it was that the top had been badly damaged by fire. I was not sure if it could be saved and I immediately began preparing to replace it.

As I prepared to replace it, I also started to remove the first few millimeters off the top to see how deep the damage was.

#furniturerestoration #woodworking #traditionalwoodworking

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
324 followers · 1660 posts · Server

1/3 As I get settled into my I'll provide more pictures of my work environment but for now just a few pictures of the tools that I use on my projects.

I use wood-bodied hand planes almost exclusively, however, I'll use my iron-bodied planes on projects around the house (non-restoration projects).

Other than hand planes, I use axes and adzes for . I use drawknives on my shaving horse to make spindles, stakes, and such.

#workshop #bowlcarving #antiquetools #handtools #traditionalwoodworking

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
324 followers · 1660 posts · Server

One of the most enjoyable projects that I've done so far has been a mirror that I made while in class at the Chippendale International School of Furniture.

This project incorporated verre eglomise, , and letter and pushed me further than any other project has so far.

#traditionalcrafts #missionstyle #gilding #carving #verreeglomise #lettercarving #TraditionalArt #traditionalwoodworking #artsandcrafts #macintoshrose

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
281 followers · 1377 posts · Server


I've also started taking the advice of other woodworkers and I pick my battles more wisely.

If a face will not be seen, it gets less attention from me than visible faces. I actually learned this from studying many antiques and how they were made. Peter Follansbee has also been an inspiration and I've learned quite a lot from his videos and website.

#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #traditionalhandtools

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
269 followers · 1330 posts · Server


That is a beautiful piece of hardware. It looks a lot like the Veritas router, but the adjuster is a lot more robust.

#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #handtools

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
247 followers · 1193 posts · Server


My latest workbench is in sad shape, but it's stable and fairly flat and that's all I need for 90% of my work.

Maybe I'll flatten it and make it pretty this next year.

Great work on your benchtop! Looks like it will be a real workhorse.

My scrub doesn't get used often, but when I need it, it's priceless. What are you using for a scrub plane?

#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #woodworkingtools #traditionalhandtools #handtools

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
226 followers · 1016 posts · Server

4/4 Our last move before going to Scotland was to a 750-square-foot apartment, so my workshop became the kitchen/dining area. It was here that I learned the most about working within some serious constraints.

I was able to use the back of my truck and an oak stump as my bench when the weather was ok. Otherwise, it was the kitchen.

#missionstylefurniture #traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #traditionalfurnituremaking

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
226 followers · 1013 posts · Server


Excellent video and I think I'll be using this on a few of my upcoming projects. I don't usually work with odd-shaped pieces like that but I have some restorations coming up that I think this will work on.

#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalcrafts #luthier #handwerkskunst

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
226 followers · 1013 posts · Server


My wife also paints these small boxes and has asked me if I can make better ones for her.

When you search on places like Etsy, the wooden boxes are all made of beautiful species of wood that you don't want to paint, so I'm trying to figure out how I can make them with my limited power tools. I do mostly and don't have many power tools.


Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
201 followers · 853 posts · Server


I love this! I really appreciate the fact that you are talking us through your decision-making (filling in the grooves).

I can't wait for more on this.

#antiquetools #antiquetoolrestoration #traditionalwoodworking

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
131 followers · 601 posts · Server

My most recent project was a of a piece of (a slant top secretaire).

When I started, I thought it would be a pretty straightforward restore and I'd have it finished in no time. That idea went out the window as soon as I started taking the piece apart.

I ended up doing some pretty major repairs, replaced all of the hardware, and then color-matched all of the repairs.

#antiquefurniturerestoration #victorianfurniture #traditionalwoodworking #crafters #traditionalcrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
41 followers · 139 posts · Server

I shipped the finished rocking horse to my daughter, but UPS managed to nearly crush it along the way. My son-in-law was able to repair it though./3

#woodworking #traditionalwoodworking #milkpaint #beeswaxfinish

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
12 followers · 29 posts · Server

I'm slowly bringing some of my Instagram posts over. I never really used FB or the little birdy and almost all of my Instagram posts are related to my furniture making, antique furniture restoration, and woodworking so my posts will mostly consist of my projects. I am also learning to weave so there will probably be some of that in here as well.

#woodworking #traditionalwoodworking #traditionalfurnituremaking #traditionalfurniturerestoration #antiquefurniturerestoration

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
12 followers · 29 posts · Server

One of my first furniture builds was a Mission Style Prairie Settle. I had just begun to sell of my power tools and go unplugged when I started this project so the only power tool used was the bandsaw.

#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalfurnituremaking #furnituremaking #missionstylefurniture #missionstyle

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
12 followers · 29 posts · Server

The most recent furniture restoration project I finished was a slant top victorian secretaire. I worked on it in the evenings and on weekends so it took quite a while to finish, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

#traditionalwoodworking #traditionalfurniturerestoration #antiquefurniturerestoration #furniturerestoration #victorianfurniture

Last updated 2 years ago