Merged a PR for my #traefik avahi helper which lets you expose docker containers with .local host names when Traefik is acting as a reverse proxy. The PR uses multi-stage builds to reduce the container size from 500mb down to less than 100mb
Can #Traefik log to multiple files? For example, I want it to put JSON formatted access logs into a file for a log shipping sidecar to process but continue to put the normal CLF logs on the stdout.
I don't think it can do that. Traefik's logging seems very limited
#bitBlog #Traefik file provider configuration
Today I
* broke my #k3s cluster by uninstalling #Traefik.
* returned my #wheelchair to the supplier.
* spoke with a close #friend for hours.
#k3s #traefik #wheelchair #friend #3goodthings
@alex_02 I’d suggest to use #traefik for your lab. There are reasons I choose it over ngoni and other solutions:
* let’s and crypt integration (if it’s publicly available)
* docker/kubernetes zero dependency integration (every container configured automatically through tags, instead of putting configuration into reverse proxy)
* designed for this task, so can be configured with a couple of lines
* great dashboard to manage it
* preconfigured metrics exporters - use #traefik as a #k8s #ingress controller and get domain names for internal apps. Great intro (Or use #ngrok.)
Finally got my 2nd #RaspberryPi4 this week. I use the first for #Docker containers and have been worried for a while of the first breaking! The day of arrival the power adapter failed on the first unit! A warning sign!
Now converted 80% to use #DockerSwarm with #NFS storage via my #QNAP #NAS and using #KeepAliveD tracking my #Traefik instance to move the VIP around. All good fun!
The NAS is Synched overnight to a 2nd NAS - I am considering setting up real time sync between the two!
#raspberrypi4 #docker #dockerswarm #nfs #qnap #nas #keepalived #traefik
I think I actually got my #Traefik proxy working with a wildcard cert issued by #LetsEncrypt. In hindsight, I might have been better off using #Certbot than the way I ended up doing it, but having Traefik handle the renewal should be pretty nice, too.
#traefik #letsencrypt #certbot
@cjerrington header settings are something I for the most part still copy and paste from the interwebs for the use with #traefik tbh.
I would definitely appreciate a 101 here.
Gérez vos sites de production avec Traefik, Docker & Let's Encrypt
Ça faisait un moment que je cherchais un système pour déployer mes applications sans trop me prendre la tête.
J'utilisais Caprover jusque là (ce qui m'a déjà fait passer à Docker pour toutes mes apps perso), là je suis en train de tester Traefik qui a l'air très efficace.
#bitBlog #Traefik with multiple #Docker networks
wow #Traefik is actually working properly. Docker hosting for my personal projects is finally within reach!