@capntransit dirty #trafficEngineering industry secret: if you plan for 2/5 or 3/5 of cars to disappear, they disappear, congestion pricing or not. #InducedDemand | #TrafficEvaporation are just two sides of the same coin.
#trafficengineering #induceddemand #trafficevaporation
Viele Menschen haben Sorge, dass sich der Autoverkehr einfach nur in die Nachbarstraßen verlagert. Studien zeigen aber: Der Autoverkehr nimmt insgesamt ab! Forschende nennen das #VerkehrsVerpuffung oder #TrafficEvaporation.
Ein #Superblock verringert den Autoverkehr, senkt CO2-Emissionen und verbessert das Stadtklima. Während sich die Lebensqualität erhöht, sind Superbloks gleichzeitig ein Instrument um unsere Städte #klimaneutral zu gestalten.
Alle Infos: changing-cities.org/superblocks
#verkehrsverpuffung #trafficevaporation #Superblock #klimaneutral
@fishidwardrobe the cars mostly just vanish. Half of car trips are under three miles. If you make it easier to go without a car, people will take that option. This is known as #InducedDemand or #trafficEvaporation - every bike ride in Amsterdam would have been a car trip (driving to the gym even.)
#induceddemand #trafficevaporation
Viele europäische Städte experimentieren mit Konzepten zur #Verkehrsberuhigung. Experten kommen nun zum Schluss: Es lohnt sich, dem Auto Raum zu nehmen.
"Die Difu-Forscher haben sich 30 evaluierte Verkehrsversuche in europäischen Städten angesehen. […] Fast alle Erhebungen bestätigten das Phänomen der #TrafficEvaporation: 'Das KFZ-Verkehrsaufkommen verringert sich insgesamt, ‚verpufft‘ also in nennenswertem Maße', heißt es in der Difu-Studie. Bei flächenhaften Verkehrsberuhigungsprojekten betrage der Rückgang 15 bis 28 Prozent, bei gesamten Innenstädten 25 bis 69 Prozent, im Umfeld einzelner umgestalteter Straßen zwischen vier und 52 Prozent."
https://taz.de/Studie-zu-Autos-in-der-Stadt/!5945157/ via @tazgetroete
Pressemitteilung des #difu und Link zur Studie: https://difu.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/2023-07-18/verkehrsberuhigungsmassnahmen-sorgen-fuer-entlastung-statt-verkehrskollaps
#verkehrsberuhigung #trafficevaporation #difu #verkehrsverpuffung #induzierterVerkehr #induziertenachfrage #VerkehrsWende #superblocks #autofreiezonen #parkraumruckbau
The worst is how #trafficEngineers make excuses for keeping it this way but 1: this "profession" kills 40k ppl/yr in the US, and 2: their predictions are based on #fakeScience that has been repeatedly proven wrong by #InducedDemand or the inverse: #TrafficEvaporation. Go ahead and knock down a freeway and show me I'm wrong.
#trafficengineers #fakescience #induceddemand #trafficevaporation
@indw @kurtn that's a fallacy, besides the idea that you somehow would instantly have zero freeways if the DOT spent exclusively on bike+bus / transit mobility for a few years to scrap together an entire actual network of viable options to driving (just reallocate some of the many spare car lanes, to make bike and/or bus trips viable, and car traffic will shift to those modes, this is known as #InducedDemand, #TrafficEvaporation, "you get the traffic you build for", etc)
#induceddemand #trafficevaporation
I distinctly remember when the 405 freeway in Los Angeles was shut down to build a bridge over it. The newspapers predicted "carmaggaedon", but in practice nothing happened–lots of rerouteing, consolidation of trips, car pooling, and more: traffic evaporation indeed.
"For the City of Angels, Carmageddon — the closure of a 10-mi. segment of major north-south freeway I-405 — was pretty much a non-event in terms of the catastrophic traffic issues and gridlock predicted last weekend."
And: "Rather than creating chaos, the first closure greatly reduced traffic congestion. Most people chose to cancel trips rather than to reschedule them, but the reductions in travel diminished over the course of the weekend closure as people learned that congestion levels were far below the dire forecasts."
What it do is reduce air pollution very significantly:
"UCLA also did a study on air quality and air pollution during the 2011 Carmageddon. What they found is an immediate drop in the really really bad particulate matter -- the kind of pollution that is directly attributed to cars"
#TrafficEvaporation #Carmaggaedon #LosAngeles #Freeway405 #TrafficPollution
#trafficpollution #freeway405 #losangeles #carmaggaedon #trafficevaporation
As shown by this recent study of Low Traffic Neighborhoods, pulling the other way on the lever of #InducedDemand gives #TrafficEvaporation, turns car trips into bike trips by making cars unable to ruin your low-stress bikeway streets for their convenience.
#induceddemand #trafficevaporation
Sure, #TrafficEvaporation sounds like a good idea… until you have to clean up the resulting #TrafficCondensation
#trafficevaporation #trafficcondensation
RT @BrentToderian@twitter.com
@jenniferkaal@twitter.com @drvolts@twitter.com Lol, oh he knows me…
“While #TrafficEvaporation has been well-documented for more than 20 years, most decision- and opinion-makers are still under the impression that reducing car lanes will make traffic worse.”via @WRIRossCities@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrentToderian/status/1604908731283931136
@StuartDNeilson @eric_doherty it's the same in Dublin with #BusConnects - the traffic modeling seems to still be based on a Predict and Provide approach which doesn't take adequate account of the effects of #TrafficEvaporation.
#BusConnects #trafficevaporation
Exploring traffic evaporation: Findings from tactical urbanism interventions in Barcelona
• Significant #TrafficEvaporation observed following tactical road space reduction
• Traffic on intervention streets diminished by 14% relative to control streets
• Neighbouring streets not significantly affected by traffic displacement
• #Transparent evaluation method could be replicated in future studies
#tacticalurbanism #urbabism #activetravel #transparent #trafficevaporation