Normally I wait until I have enough near-death experiences for a montage, but this was too bad to just sit on.
[video shows a black jeep careening around a cyclist, nearly causing a right hook collision; video POV is from the bicycle's handlebar camera]
#BikeTooter #roadsafety #trafficviolence #jeep
I am once again asking why we sell machines that can even go that fast to begin with when it’s illegal on every public road in the country. #FuckCars #TrafficViolence #Urbanism #PDX #PNW
#fuckcars #trafficviolence #urbanism #pdx #pnw
@BourbonPlanner I like it as a tool to build awareness and organize around for actual health and safety protections. Livable Cville here has done a bunch of that and I think it's done some good. #trafficviolence
This is a photo of the crosswalk my kids navigate on their walk to school.
Note the damage to the bushes. That happened last week when not one, but *two*, separate drivers blew through the stop sign and lost control of their vehicles. Fortunately no one was hurt, but the fact that the Town hasn't seen fit to add a school zone, sidewalks, and raised crosswalks near the school is simply unconscionable.
#Colonie #ColonieNY #TrafficViolence #walkability #SchoolZone #SchoolSafety
#colonie #colonieny #trafficviolence #walkability #schoolzone #schoolsafety interestingly this mainly appears to apply to daytime drinking and driving #trafficviolence
I posted this even more egregious example, from my trip to pick up my kid from school yesterday, on the #birdsite.
It's not lost on me how many twitter trolls would rather focus on my #IdahoStop than the guy in the Jeep who nearly caused 2 head-on collisions and then stared me down in his driveway.
If drivers held themselves to the standard they expect for bikes, they'd kill a lot fewer people.
#birdsite #IdahoStop #BikeTooter #trafficviolence #roadsafety
... they were chasing someone for running a red light, of all things, and *caused* an accident that left an innocent person in a coma.
#acab #policeviolence #trafficviolence
Two people were killed by SUVs at opposite ends of Queens last night. The first victim was only 7.
#nyc #safestreets #trafficviolence
Person walking with bike killed by curb-jumping police SUV in Far Rockaway #nyc #trafficviolence
Today would be another great day for federal regulators to start talking about the roles vehicle size, weight, and design play in the 40,000+ fatalities on US roadways every year.
#TrafficViolence #VisionZero #RoadSafety #Regulation #Traffic #CrashNotAccident #SafeStreetsForAll
#trafficviolence #VisionZero #roadsafety #regulation #traffic #crashnotaccident #safestreetsforall
If anyone is actually interested in covering "bike-friendly" UC Davis' car-centric institutional culture, I've got loads of photos and can walk people around showing them the hostile infrastructure we deal with.
There are improvements UC Davis needs to make that it's trying to paper over instead.
#BikeTooter #UniversityOfCalifornia #UCDavis #TrafficViolence #CarCentrism
#biketooter #universityofcalifornia #ucdavis #trafficviolence #carcentrism
Apparently UC Davis tweeted a press release about the City of Davis PD investigation but released that on January 10 of this year. Why did it take so long for the public to get this? Why hasn't local press published a follow-up to their reporting on this death? Was the delay to make it less likely local press would still be interested or the public eye be on UC Davis?
#BikeTooter #UniversityOfCalifornia #UCDavis #TrafficViolence #CarCentrism
#biketooter #universityofcalifornia #ucdavis #trafficviolence #carcentrism
What could possibly be in it for UC Davis to frame cyclists as the danger when the public still hasn't seen the results of a good deep investigation into the killing of a UC Davis student who was cycling, by a UC Davis employee operating UC Davis equipment? 4/?
#BikeTooter #UniversityOfCalifornia #UCDavis #TrafficViolence #CarCentrism
#biketooter #universityofcalifornia #ucdavis #trafficviolence #carcentrism
we've seen UC-sponsored legislation framing the danger on campuses as being non-car forms of transportation (which are usually more sustainable and less damaging) as being the danger. 3/?
#BikeTooter #UniversityOfCalifornia #UCDavis #TrafficViolence #CarCentrism
#biketooter #universityofcalifornia #ucdavis #trafficviolence #carcentrism
UC Davis is being sued by the parents of the student that was killed. In the past week, we've seen UC Davis PR place a story in local press about how UCDPD (which already has a huge budget) getting approved for a grant to "increase cyclist safety" by passing out free helmets and lights. And 2/?
#BikeTooter #UniversityOfCalifornia #UCDavis #TrafficViolence #CarCentrism
#biketooter #universityofcalifornia #ucdavis #trafficviolence #carcentrism
On May 25, 2022, a UC Davis student was killed by a UC Davis employee driving a UC Davis sanitation truck. The first responders - UC Davis Fire and UC Davis PD - were also UC employees. The first investigation was done by them, then handed to City of Davis Police. To this day, I have not seen any press publish the results of that investigation. 1/?
#BikeTooter #UniversityOfCalifornia #UCDavis #TrafficViolence #CarCentrism
#biketooter #universityofcalifornia #ucdavis #trafficviolence #carcentrism
Say you're headed home from work, but you need to stop at the supermarket & pick up something for dinner. You're in a hurry: dinner is important. But there's a kid dawdling right in front of the frozen pizzas. So, naturally, you take your buggy & smash them out of the way. B/c that's what we do when we're in an important hurry.
Oh wait, it's not ok to do smash a kid with a buggy? Even if they're in your way?
Then why do we act like it's ok to do it with a car?
To be sure we do need drastic change, and we need it urgently.
But *more* #cars is not drastic change. Even if they are fueled by #FairyFarts, *more* cars is the opposite of what we need in order to fight to fight the consequences of #ClimateChange, #HabitatLoss, #Pollution, #TrafficViolence, and historic & systemic #Social and #Economic #Injustice.
#Journalists, you use words for a living. You need to do better.
#cars #FairyFarts #climatechange #habitatloss #pollution #trafficviolence #social #economic #injustice #journalists #nomorecars Ah, ok. So for further inquiry, I propose the question: Are there links between the #cognitive impacts of #COVID19 #infection / #longcovid and the rise in #TrafficViolence and roadway fatalities in the US and Canada?
#cognitive #COVID19 #infection #longcovid #trafficviolence
Are there links between the #cognitive impacts of #COVID19 #infection / #longcovid and the rise in #TrafficViolence and roadway fatalities in the US and Canada?
#cognitive #COVID19 #infection #longcovid #trafficviolence #roadsafety