Yet another new record high (low?) for the #Covid19 infection-rate in #Trafford: over 30,000 #Traffordians are currently infected (excl. #LongCovid etc.), up over 14,000 in a week! #Traffordians #WearAMask #KeepSocialDistance #WashHands
Graph of above with rate from Jul 2020 to Jan 2023:
#COVID19 #trafford #traffordians #LongCovid #WearAMask #keepsocialdistance #washhands
Oh look, quelle surprise, the #COVID19 infection-rate in #Trafford jumped dramatically straight after the #Christmas period. Well who might have predicted that! #Covid will not go away if we collectively do not take measures to kill it off. #Traffordians, you do reƤlise that almost everyone who has had the disease has internal damage to their organs and the more variants one catches the worse the damage - it is cumulative!
Image of infection-rate Jul 2020-Jan 2023 for Trafford via #ZOE:
#COVID19 #trafford #christmas #covid #traffordians #zoe