NoTHiNg tO SeE hEre! ☀️🏖️
#DirtyAir: Worsening #airpollution and increased #resistance to #antibiotics are two of the world’s most urgent #publichealth concerns, contributing to millions of #prematuredeaths per year
#AcceleratingKeelingCurve #DegradingTheCommons #TragedyOfEnclosure
#dirtyair #airpollution #resistance #antibiotics #publichealth #prematuredeaths #acceleratingkeelingcurve #degradingthecommons #tragedyofenclosure
In her interview with Amy, Ravi explains that her #arrest is just one example in a country that has effectively #criminalizingDissent. Indian officials have raided #nonprofits that oppose the country’s #coalmines, blocked #environmental websites, and criminally charged #journalists covering the 2021 farmer #protests.
#TragedyOfEnclosure #WhoseHiStory #PriveledgeWitness #defundthepolice #PublishingIsntACrime
#Arrest #criminalizingdissent #nonprofits #coalmines #environmental #journalists #protests #tragedyofenclosure #whosehistory #priveledgewitness #defundthepolice #publishingisntacrime
#GreedIsBad: the root #cause of #poverty is #exploitation. #People are poor because other people benefit from the #presence of poverty: “To understand the causes of poverty, we must look beyond the poor. Those of us living lives of #privilege and #plenty must examine ourselves.”
#TragedyOfEnclosure #InstitutionalizedPoverty #WarOnSubsistence #DegradedScapes #AllJobsShouldBeUnionJobs #LaborIsAnExploitableCommodity #StateSanctionedViolence
#greedisbad #CAUSE #poverty #exploitation #people #presence #privilege #plenty #tragedyofenclosure #institutionalizedpoverty #waronsubsistence #degradedscapes #alljobsshouldbeunionjobs #laborisanexploitablecommodity #statesanctionedviolence
A secluded Northern California waterfall is the latest victim of viral fame and crushing crowds
#TragedyOfEnclosure : Why not run a #shuttle from Burney, she said, which would be “an opportunity to help the #community” by easing #traffic on Highway 89 and at the same time drawing people into #shops and #restaurants in town.
#tragedyofenclosure #Shuttle #community #traffic #shops #restaurants #pitriverindians #sacredspaces #rematriation
#ThreeFifthReasoning: The concept of “#domesticviolence” was an alien one to the founding generation, and the #court cannot lean on Americans’ moral growth over the last two centuries to overcome that hurdle in the history-and-tradition test.
#corruptrobertscourt #DisbarAlito #TragedyOfEnclosure #DegradedSpaces
#threefifthreasoning #domesticviolence #court #corruptrobertscourt #disbaralito #tragedyofenclosure #degradedspaces
#ThreeFifthReasoning: The concept of “#domesticviolence” was an alien one to the founding generation, and the #court cannot lean on Americans’ moral growth over the last two centuries to overcome that hurdle in the history-and-tradition test.
#corruptrobertscourt #DisbarAlito #TragedyOfEnclosure #DegradedSpaces
#threefifthreasoning #domesticviolence #court #corruptrobertscourt #disbaralito #tragedyofenclosure #degradedspaces
#VultureCapitalism #WhiteFaceBlackFuel #PetroDollarDebt: financial institutions like the #WorldBank and #IMF have been financing and pushing the destructive Vaca Muerta #fracking megaproject in the region. large-scale project has devastated the #Indigenous #Mapuche communities of the #Patagonian region
#ClimateChaos #FossilFuelDebtTrap #FinancingCarbonBombs #KleptoPetroDollars #EnergyColonialism #BadFaithClimateFinance
#vulturecapitalism #whitefaceblackfuel #petrodollardebt #worldbank #imf #fracking #indigenous #mapuche #patagonian #tragedyofenclosure #climatechaos #fossilfueldebttrap #financingcarbonbombs #kleptopetrodollars #energycolonialism #badfaithclimatefinance
#EmissionInEquality: #Adapt to what? Suppose we manage to “adapt” to the current #game of whatever hellscape roulette we’re experiencing. What will we do when the world changes again? If we do nothing to stop #climatechange, then more and more places will become #uninhabitable
#TaxBillionairesOutOfExistence #ClimateResponsibility #TragedyOfEnclosure
#emissioninequality #adapt #game #climatechange #uninhabitable #taxbillionairesoutofexistence #climateresponsibility #tragedyofenclosure
#TragedyOfEnclosure: #America's dominance as the world's foremost #economicpower — a dominance reflected in its large #investor class, which because of its #wealth is figuratively steering #Earth off of the #climate cliff.
#EmissionsInEquality #WhiteFaceBlackFuel #TaxBillionairesOutOfExistence #ClimateResponsibility #BipartisanKleptocracies #NationalizeFossilFuel
#tragedyofenclosure #america #economicpower #Investor #wealth #earth #climate #emissionsinequality #whitefaceblackfuel #taxbillionairesoutofexistence #climateresponsibility #bipartisankleptocracies #nationalizefossilfuel
#TragedyOfEnclosure: The analysis of #lobbying, #subsidies and #regulations showed that #livestock #farmers in the EU received 1,200 times more #public #funding than #plantbased meat or #cultivated meat groups. In the US, the animal farmers got 800 times more public funding.
#DeterioratingCarbonSinks #BigAgro #corruptpoliticians #ViolentRanchers #corruptrobertscourt #citizensunited #AbolishTheFilibuster
#tragedyofenclosure #lobbying #subsidies #regulations #livestock #farmers #public #funding #plantbased #cultivated #deterioratingcarbonsinks #bigagro #corruptpoliticians #violentranchers #corruptrobertscourt #citizensunited #abolishthefilibuster
#TragedyOfEnclosure #dispossessed #indigenous communities for #BigAgro, #corruptpoliticians, and #ViolentRanchers to grow #segregated #cities ornamented with useless #turf: Limiting #thirsty, nonusable #landscaping is doubly important right now because California, Nevada and Arizona are negotiating for #shares of the shrinking #ColoradoRiver.
#tragedyofenclosure #dispossessed #indigenous #bigagro #corruptpoliticians #violentranchers #segregated #cities #turf #thirsty #landscaping #shares #coloradoriver #ClimateChangeIsReal #nativeplants
#hurricanedora #PowerLineWildfire #MauiWildfire #ErasureOfHistory #climateemergency #ParisAligned #CompoundClimateCatastrophe #ExtremeDrought
#tragedyofenclosure #hurricanedora #powerlinewildfire #mauiwildfire #erasureofhistory #climateemergency #parisaligned #compoundclimatecatastrophe #extremedrought
The necessity of, for example, getting #bases in #Hawaii to be sure to have #coal deposits that one can put into #ships, precedes or parallels the US’s interest in having bases #overseas for #oil.
#TragedyOfEnclosure #LandTheft #climatechanges #SubsistenceLandscapes #CorporateTheocracy #settlercolonial #monocrops #MauiWildfire #PentagonIsTheLargestEmitter
#bases #hawaii #coal #ships #overseas #oil #tragedyofenclosure #landtheft #climatechanges #subsistencelandscapes #corporatetheocracy #settlercolonial #monocrops #mauiwildfire #pentagonisthelargestemitter
Driving #displacement, #forced #relocation, #enslavement, and #environmentaldestruction, the “myth of #technological #progress” was “a bad #romance for most,” she observed. In #Decolonizing #Design, she provides a primer to help #dismantle these legacies of #harm- Dori Turnstall
#TragedyOfEnclosure #CooperationEconomics #sharingculture #EcosystemBenefits #comanagement #TakeDownTheFences
#takedownthefences #displacement #forced #Relocation #enslavement #environmentaldestruction #technological #progress #romance #decolonizing #design #dismantle #harm #tragedyofenclosure #cooperationeconomics #sharingculture #ecosystembenefits #comanagement
#TragedyOfEnclosure: Land changes because of a #Genocidal indifference to #NativeLandscapes cause invasive grasses that replaced #settlercolonial #BigAgro to fuel the #MauiWildfire
#tragedyofenclosure #genocidal #nativelandscapes #settlercolonial #bigagro #mauiwildfire